Beach Glass Collecting for the First Time

by David & Lin
(Huanchaco, La Libertad, Peru)

Vanesa's first day of beach glass collecting

Vanesa's first day of beach glass collecting

~ submitted by David (and Lin) in Huanchaco, Peru

Do you remember going beach glass collecting for the first time?

I have to admit, I (David) don't my first time. I guess I kind of drifted into it to accompany Lin.

Whether it was Hawaii, Ecuador, Washington, Maryland, or somewhere else at the beach, it would be hard to say where the first time was for me.

When we first got married, we were living in Hawaii. Lin was walking the beaches while I was out surfing.

At first I questioned why she was picking up trash instead of nice rocks and seashells like any sane person. Well, it didn't take me long to get the craze either once I got started.

I asked Lin if she remembers the fisrt time she collected sea glass. 

She thought about it and shook her head.

Then she said perhaps at her mother's on the west shore of the Chesapeake Bay.

First timers collecting beach glass.

In the photos on this page, you see a group of our friends here in Peru on their first day of beach glass collecting.

They'll likely remember it forever. Why?

Well, when we moved here to Huanchaco about 4 months ago, we told our friends what we did for a living (collecting and photographing sea glass).

They showed quite a bit of interest. In fact, one of them, Cristian (not along on this trip) had his own collection. Like many, though, he never knew that sea glass had a name or that others were into it too.

So we planned a late afternoon hike from Huanchaquito to Huanchaco for beach glass collecting and soon they were excited.

The weather was fair, the beach was uncrowded.

In the hour and a half hike, everyone found multiple pieces of sea glass. Much of it was jewelry quality and beautiful.

I have to say that in spite of my (David's) years of experience, I was outdone by several of the first timers.

In spite of that, though...

A good time was had by all.

~ submitted by David (and Lin)

Comments for Beach Glass Collecting for the First Time

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Nov 16, 2013
Sea Glass first time ever
by: Laura from RI


I moved to RI from Western Mass. in 1995.

Had no clue about sea glass until 2 yrs ago.

My husband's nephew showed me a piece of glass, it was sea foam color, but very soft.

It was found after Hurricane Irene at Scarborough Beach.

Since then, I look for moon tides and we go to Rocky Point Beach in Warwick, RI.

It is the mother lode of glass as opposed to Narragansett Town Beach...At RPB, I will easily get 300-400 pieces...Narragansett Town Beach....25 pieces.

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First Time

(Kenosha Wisconsin 'Merica)

First Time

First Time

The wife and I went out Sea Glass hunting for the first time today.

We think we did alright.

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Addicted to Sea Glass

by Lucy
(Houston Texas, U.S.A)

My husband and I recently returned from the UK and hauled back with us 20 lbs of sea glass.

Needless to say we are addicted!!!

On most beaches it was just laying there mixed in with the shells and rocks, we felt like kids in a candy store.

I miss those days, I would freeze all over again to have that experience with my husband. The joys of sea glass - who knew?

~ Lucy from Texas

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Sep 11, 2016
Beautiful glass in TX!!
by: Sandra

Hi! If you are close to Galveston, you can stop at the Texas City Dike to find some amazing glass and pottery shards. The dike is w/ in close viewing of the ship channel.

Soft waves roll in when the ships go past and beautiful pieces of glass continually find their way onto the small "beaches".

You would definitely have fun searching for glass in this location. Happy hunting!

Jun 17, 2011
Where in the UK?
by: Anonymous

Hi Joan. I live in the UK and often go looking for sea glass. We've had the best luck on the Island of Gurnsey. Would you be willing to share where you found your glass? Thanks!

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