Doctors Park
by Danika Pulvermacher
(Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
1 - Beach Glass Wisconsin
2 - Latest beach glass haul from Doctors Park
~ sea glass beach report submitted by Danika Pulvermacher in Wisconsin
Name of Beach and Location: Doctors Park, Bayside, Milwaukee
Photo #1 represents maybe 6 trips worth of serious sifting, about 300 pieces of beach glass total.
It's good when the waves aren't too high and the stony strands are exposed for sifting.
Lots of medium sized pieces of glass in the smaller rocks.
Obviously easier to spot them when its sunny out.
Mostly green, brown and clear, very few blues and almost no reds.
A bit of a hike down to get to the beach but well worth it.
Name of Beach and Location: Doctors Park, Bayside, Milwaukee
Photo #2 - Latest haul of beach glass from doctors park.
It was millpond still out, and the only thing washed up on the strand was tons and tons of pea sized gravel.
I thought it'd be a bust, but still found some lovely jewelry grade beach glass (in smaller sizes) mixed in with the gravel.
Maybe two hours of searching, and I found my first ever red pieces!!!!
I also found some rather recently dumped marbles.
May throw them back later.
~ sea glass beach report submitted by Danika Pulvermacher in Wisconsin
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