Crescent Beach, Glen Cove NY
(Long Island, New York)
View of Long Island Sound
Crescent Beach, Glen Cove NY
~ submitted by Sickitten in Long Island, New York I Hesitated...I Did This has been my secret beach for years because it isn't public.
The public beach next store is great but there's a lot of hunters out there like me.
Still, I want to share that overwhelming joy of finding loads of rare, jewelry grade pieces.
I have so much of this glass from about 12 years ago. There's so much of it that it's okay to share.
I love swapping info and secret tips with others.
If someone does go to this beach, will you let me know about how thrilled you were? I'd love to hear it.
Will post pics of 'stained' beach glass windows and my secret tips on dyeing the lesser colors on my site and then here.
~ submitted by Sickitten Here is additional information submitted by our viewers:
Name of Beach and Comments:
Crescent Beach, Glen Cove, New York and the military academy right next to it (you have to sneak on and trespass or ask permission).
The academy used to be a chemistry school and gorgeous mansion with the landfills located right on the beach.
I've found worn down glass bottle stoppers, pink glass and loads of cobalt blue. A beach glass hunters dream.
I couldn't even stop when the sun was going down and was only forced to leave by the bugs at night.
Been collecting for 30 yrs., all over the world.
Nothing like this place! Will post pics here and on my site when I unpack some more stuff.
OdysseySeaGlass adds:
Please check the public/private beach laws regarding this beach. Odyssey Sea Glass urges you to respect the laws of the state or country of the beaches shown.
David (editor)
Disclaimer OdysseySeaGlass appreciates this and all reports we receive, but we have not been to this beach ourselves and cannot verify this report. Note: - No photos were included with this report.
- Beach was not given a clear rating (stating number of jewelry-grade pieces found per hour).
However, the following photo submitted by another view shows only a very poor grade of craft sea glass (click the link to read more): Glen Cove, New York See also these pages: As always, we remind folks that sea glass beach reports are not confirmed by Lin or me at Odyssey Sea Glass unless otherwise stated. Reports that do not include photos of the sea glass found are less reliable. Please use your own judgement in deciding whether to travel to this particular beach or not.  David and Lin | |
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