Can anyone help identify this piece of sea glass?

It is brown and relatively thick. The symbol on it is pumpkin shaped with a spike coming out of the top and bottom. Found at Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth Maine.

Comments for Can anyone help identify this piece of sea glass?

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Sep 20, 2017
Carol is correct!
by: Anonymous

Wow! That is so cool! I wonder how old it is?

Sep 13, 2017
Owens-illinois glass company logo?
by: Carol

I think that could be a piece of glass from the owens-illinois glass company. It looks like their logo. Very cool piece!

Sep 12, 2017
by: Mary Beth

I have no idea what that would be but it's beautiful!

I've been to Fort Williams to sightsee but didn't know you could look for sea glass! I've been going to Crescent Beach and have had pretty good luck there!

Thanks for sharing. If you find out anything, I'd love to know!

Happy hunting!
Mary Beth

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