Bottle mystery - November 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Barb Chappell
(Moncton, new Brunswick)

It has 1940 on the bottom and it looks like pressed glass so I believe it might be pretty old.

It has 1940 on the bottom and it looks like pressed glass so I believe it might be pretty old.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Barb Chappell, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Where was this photo taken?

I found this intact bottle on a beach near Murray Corner, New Brunswick.

I think it's an old nail polish bottle. It has 1940 on the bottom and it looks like pressed glass so I believe it might be pretty old.

I look for beach glass daily in the same spots.

I could expand my search but I would never get anything else done, so I stick to my routine.

 It's the first time in eight years of hunting to find this beauty.  I don't know what to do with it yet, except admire my find. 

It's difficult to only take one photo but I tried my best to show you its uniqueness.

I have a Canon power shot, but unfortunately didn't have it with me on the day of the find

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Barb Chappell, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

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