Big Red in Nova Scotia

by sue
(nova scotia)

Lots of sea glass

Lots of sea glass

After a few days off work i decided to hit the beach below my home to search for a few treasures with my husband and 5yr old neice.

Beautiful waves from the end of a hurricane, MADE FOR LOTS OF SEAGLASS.

I was so excited to find a beautiful red and many other gems,

Comments for Big Red in Nova Scotia

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Sep 27, 2017
beach glass
by: cindy

I am looking to purchase some beach glass.Do you sell yours?

Im just afraid I may get fake glass.

If you dont can you recomend someone who does?

Thank you



Hi Cindy, go to the top of this page and click on "Shop" and you will see lots of authentic sea glass for sale at reasonable prices :)

Sep 13, 2017
by: Mary Beth

Beautiful pieces!!
I'm jealous 😒

I'm still looking for a good place to hunt. I've lived in Maine a year.

Happy hunting!
Mary Beth

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