Bermuda - Glass Beach - Royal Navy Cemetery

by Pete
(United States)

Near here - Royal Naval Cemetery

Near here - Royal Naval Cemetery

Royal Navy Cemetery, Bermuda

On a recent trip to Bermuda I visited the Glass Beach near the Royal Navy Cemetery.

A local stated that the glass is so plentiful there because a incinerator operated nearby during WW II.

Also, met Mr. Collin Simmons, the builder of the steps down to the water. He lives at Alberts Row.

~ Bermuda beach report submitted by Pete in the USA


Talking to local folks

That's a good reminder to all of us, Pete.

We should not forget to make friends with the locals and ask their advice.

It leaves a good impression and they can give us valuable information.

~ David @


Nov 20, 2014
Unlawful to take sea glass
by: Davetecsgirl

Because so many tourists were grabbing 5-10lb bags of sea glass, the West End Development Corporation of Bermuda has now put up a sign saying it is unlawful to remove the sea glass from the beach.

Also the security on the cruise ships have been told to confiscate the sea glass from the tourists.

Sad Sad Sad that the greedy people have ruined it for all
Comment from Odyssey Sea Glass:

We agree that hauling away sea glass that is not totally finished is greedy.

But what really is greedy?

It's somewhat ironic that the
West End Development Company has said no sea glass collecting, which apparently is to preserve the integrity of Bermuda's beaches.

However, note what the purpose of this company is according to their web site:

"The West End Development Corporation has been established to assist in the commercial and residential development of The West End. The West End is Bermuda’s best kept secret. With over 214 acres and comprising 1.6% of Bermuda’s land mass there are many opportunities for commercial and residential development by local and overseas investors."

I wonder if local residents feel that this company is really protecting their interests?

A response from this company is welcomed.

David and Lin at Odyssey Sea Glass

Jun 22, 2014
No longer open for glass hunting
by: Becky

As of my last trip (6/14) there are signs posted by WEDCO that the beach is private property and glass is not to be removed from the premises.

Sep 04, 2013

Sea Glass

by: Anonymous

My sister & I visited this beach & brought back at least 5-10 pound of sea glass. The beach is covered with sea glass.

Oct 22, 2010

Bermuda beach glass

by: Kathy

My daughter and I went to that beach in April, and I found the biggest piece of red glass!

Great place.

Did you see the Convicts cemetery there, too?

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Jul 24, 2016
Cruise ship let me keep sea glass
by: Anonymous

I went in June 2016 to Sea Glass Beach, I had to take some photos there for sure.

And yes, I couldn't help myself by taking a little of the glass (only a small sandwich bag amount).

When I returned to the cruise ship, they immediately made me open my bag because they saw it on the scan.

They took my sand (which I have collected from all over the world) and let me keep my sea glass.

I found that so ironic.

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