Beautiful Bottle - June 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Tracy Winters
(Greensburg, IN)

Norfolk Virginia Soda Bottle  - Sea Glass Photo Contest

Norfolk Virginia Soda Bottle - Sea Glass Photo Contest

~ submitted by Tracy Winters of  Greensburg, IN

Where was this photo taken?

This section of a soda bottle was found at Sarah Constant Beach Park in Norfolk, VA. 

The photo was taken after we got home to Indiana.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

My youngest daughter and I were walking on the beach searching for sea glass at about noon on May 21, 2013. 

It was a clear day, and after finding several pieces of brown, clear and green glass, we discovered this large section of a bottle.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo? 

We were excited to find this piece, especially since many of the markings are still clearly visible. 

The markings say it is a soda bottle from Norfolk, VA, which makes it a wonderful keepsake from our time on the beach in Norfolk that day.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use? 

Canon EOS Rebel T2i

I used a Canon EOS Rebel T2i for the photo.

~ submitted to OdysseySeaGlass Photo Contest by Tracy Winters

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