Beach Rock Identification?

by Samantha
(Lummi Island)

Beach rock - what is this?

Beach rock - what is this?

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Samantha in Lummi Island, Washington, USA

I found this beach rock a couple weeks ago while on the beach looking for agates. 

I think it may be a dark brown jasper but I have no idea. 

It has white marking on one side (like an agate may have, like it was being eroaded or something) and on the other side it's brown.

It's mostly opaque but the tip is transparent and it looks like there's a tiny part in the middle is transparent.  

I can't figure it out! 

~ sea glass identification question submitted by Samantha in Lummi Island, Washington, USA


Comments for Beach Rock Identification?

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Jul 24, 2014
Here's a recommended rock identification book
by: David

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals

Jul 23, 2014
Beach Rock Identification
by: Patty

Take it to a rock shop for identification-----

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