Glass on the Beach - August 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Penny Connell
(Plant City Florida)

Glass on the Beach

Glass on the Beach

~ digital sea glass contest photo by Lisa Rice - Pittsburgh, PA

This photo was taken in Maine, USA. The beach where the glass was found was on a privately owned island which was pretty inaccessible.

But the difficulties we experienced in getting there made the experience all the more valuable in my mind.

The date was November 2010. Rough, but not stormy ocean.

Windy, cold, with white caps, but a crystal clear blue sky with big white puffy clouds.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

Sea Glass offers a photographer the opportunity to capture vibrant, transparent color (or lack there of in this photo) beautifully softened by the ocean's hard labor.

My intent was to create an image that reflected the peace that I experience when hunting light.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

White Balance, White Balance, White Balance.

Photograph the things that your eyes fall in love with and tell a story with your image.

~ by Lisa Rice - Pittsburgh, PA

See Also:

Maine Sea Glass Beach
Beals Island & Jonesport, ME
Maine Sea Glass Beach
Squirrel Island Maine
Maine Sea Glass Beach
Harpswell, Maine
Maine Sea Glass Beach
Acadia National Park

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The Sea Giveth - August Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Marcy and Craig Melendes
(Haddonfield, NJ)

Don't You Just Love a Good Bottle Top !

Don't You Just Love a Good Bottle Top !

~ sea glass contest photo by Marcy and Craig Melendes

Where was this photo taken?

New Jersey Beach

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

8.24.11 in the afternoon on a beautiful sunny day.

What were your feelngs or impressions when taking this photo?

This picture was taken by my 13 year old son.

He was capturing my excitement in finding so many great bottle tops.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Canon Rebel with telephoto lens

~ by Marcy and Craig Melendes

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Hunting Light - August 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Lisa Rice
(Pittsburgh, PA)

~ digital sea glass contest photo by Lisa Rice - Pittsburgh, PA

This photo was taken in Maine, USA. The beach where the glass was found was on a privately owned island which was pretty inaccessible.

But the difficulties we experienced in getting there made the experience all the more valuable in my mind.

The date was November 2010. Rough, but not stormy ocean.

Windy, cold, with white caps, but a crystal clear blue sky with big white puffy clouds.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

Sea Glass offers a photographer the opportunity to capture vibrant, transparent color (or lack there of in this photo) beautifully softened by the ocean's hard labor.

My intent was to create an image that reflected the peace that I experience when hunting light.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

White Balance, White Balance, White Balance.

Photograph the things that your eyes fall in love with and tell a story with your image.

~ by Lisa Rice - Pittsburgh, PA

See Also:

Maine Sea Glass Beach
Beals Island & Jonesport, ME
Maine Sea Glass Beach
Squirrel Island Maine
Maine Sea Glass Beach
Harpswell, Maine
Maine Sea Glass Beach
Acadia National Park

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