Australia - Sea Glass Heaven!

by Hula Rose

Help everyone - post photos of sea glass in Australia :)

Help everyone - post photos of sea glass in Australia :)

~ by Hula Rose in Australia

Where are all the Aussie sea glass collectors?

   Our beaches are a treasure trove of seaglass.

My favourite cove-like beach is covered in millions of pebbles with heaps of fossilized wood,agates and of course SEA GLASS! And only 5 minutes from home!!

Not to mention the 100s of beaches big and small here along the east coast of Australia.

I have never seen anyone collecting sea glass and most people I speak to don't know what it is.

   Anyway I'm in heaven!

~ by Hula Rose in Australia

Since Hula Rose posted this question, we have had quite a few comments (scroll down) along with a smattering of reports with photos.

But we need more reports with photos!

~ David and Lin at Odyssey Sea Glass 

To see our list of Australia Beach Reports and/or add your beach, go to our page Sea Glass in Australia

Scroll down for comments...

sea glass colors line

More Australian Sea Glass:

Australia Sea Glass
Glass Beach, Robe, Australia

Australia Sea Glass
Frankston Treasure

Australia Sea Glass
Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Australia Sea Glass
Slaughter Bay, Norfolk Is, 
Malabar and Delwood

Australia Sea Glass
Fankston - Australia Beach Glass Beauty

Australia Sea Glass
Redcliffe, QLD, Australia

Comments for Australia - Sea Glass Heaven!

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Click here to add your own comments

Jul 05, 2024
Bumbora beach, Norfolk Island NSW
by: Glass face

This place is the beginning of my sea glass hunting hobby! So much sea glass it will send you cross eyed! Beautiful scenery, very shelly pebbly and rocky shore. Just wow! If you head to Norfolk Island, you have to come here!! Heaven in so many ways.

Jan 19, 2023
Newport Australia
by: Cgood

I found a few pieces of Seagrass on Newport Australia
When I was on vacation in June

Jan 25, 2020
Seaglass collector newbie by: Connie
by: Beata

Hi Connie. This website wouldn't let me reply to your post. Maybe they can change this?
Would love to team up, I've been hunting for glass and unique things for years.
Summer is not a good time for hunting for glass, shells or worn pottery and bits of history.

I've started watching a few youtube channels while I wait for the summer storms to come and weather to change. My 2 favourite Channels so far are - "Northern Mudlarks",
"Si-finds Thames Mudlark", "nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art".
They're not aussie shows but it's got my creative juices flowing and I now want to buy a metal detector lol.

Dec 23, 2019
Seaglass collector newbie
by: Connie

Hi, I am trying to test my treasure hunting skills to see if I can find a seaglass. I have tried a few beaches in Perth region but I have no luck. Not really sure if I am doing this wrong.
Would someone in Perth teach me how to search for these lovely glasses? I would be so happy if someone can show me the ropes and go seaglass hunting together in Western Australia.

Sep 15, 2018
Lorne, Vic
by: M.

I love sea glass!

I have lived along the Great Ocean Road my whole life.
The best place to find seagrass here (in my experience) is the Lorne Foreshore, at low tide, in front of the surf club.

It is so much fun!!

Happy Fossicking to all!


Hi M,

I think you meant to say sea glass instead of sea grass?

There is such a thing as sea grass and it WOULD be interesting to see something made out of it. :)

David & Lin at Odyssey Sea Glass

Feb 11, 2018
tips for Perth needed
by: Hortensia

A friend is headed to Perth this week. Great tips for my fellow Seaglunker? Be specific on locations please!

See all Australia Sea Glass reports...

Jan 15, 2018
by: Nik

Hi everyone! I live in the bush and rarely get to the beach, but I think sea glass is absolutely beautiful and I would love to find at least one piece one day!

I just wondered if anyone knows if it's possible to find sea glass around Port Stephens? Shoal Bay, etc? Thanks :)

Oct 10, 2017
UK visitor
by: June

I'm visiting from the UK. We're staying in Brisbane and will. E visiting Port Douglas. Can anyone recommend good beaches to collect sea glass in those areas please?

Feb 07, 2017
Msg to "Anon" Re: Walhalla Vic
by: Tania

Dear Anonymous,

Thanks for your directions but can you expand a little? The bridge over the Thomson River you are referring to - is that on the Southern side of Walhalla?

We would be travelling up from Moe so from the maps I am looking at the bridge would be before you actually get into the town of Walhalla? Was it in the actual river bed you found the glass/china?

We are hoping to do a weekend up there and camp around Donnelly Creek where you can apparently find gemstones (although a giant gold nugget would be nicer!!!).

A beautiful area with a special place in my heart as some of my ancestors were miners there and were involved in the construction of the Long Tunnel Gold Mine (got some great old sepia pics of them). We have a 4WD and hubby is very experienced in water crossings so we should be fine.

Thanks in advance,

Lakes Entrance, Victoria, Australia

Jan 12, 2017
Plenty to choose from
by: Gaby

Jan 12, 2017

I investigated Malabar Beach and was thrilled to find so much sea glass.

I went in the evening and only stopped collecting because it was getting dark.

Mostly white and brown but I also found some lovely turquoise and green.

I will definitely be returning with a bucket next time!

~ Thanks for the update, Gaby!

Dec 20, 2016
Tasmania Sea Glass
by: Sammi

December 20 2016

About 15 years ago I went to a beach at Lauderdale
and fossicked in a little cove on the eastern shore.

To my delight I found heaps of sea glass of all shapes and sizes. Mainly browns, greens and clear glass that had been lovingly caressed by the sea and sand for over 150 years.

I was told by another collector that when Tasmania was settled by white Europeans, the only way to get goods and services was by ship or barge.

Due to rough seas and poor packaging, much of the broken bottles, crockery and glass were dumped overboard into the sea.

Over the many decades, some of these sea tumbled treasures were washed ashore during storms, high tides and hurricanes.

I was lucky to find my treasures and to be able to share them with friends and to create mosaic crafts with them.

I have since been back to the little cove, but nothing remains.

Occasionally I will wander the beaches of the eastern shores and pick up a few pieces of sea glass-but nothing like my original find.

Jul 13, 2016
Townsville and North Queensland
by: Tanya

Jul 23, 2016

I am a sea glass collector from Canada. I am currently on vacation in Australia. We are currently in Airlie beach and heading north to Townsville, then cairns and possibly higher.

Anyone know of some good sea glass beaches up along that coast?

I know there's a link to Townsville on another page of this site but the link only takes me to the comments section.

Anyone know which beach in Townsville?

Thanks a lot!

Mar 22, 2016
Great seaglass hunting in Australia
by: Eileen

Mar 22, 2016

Thank you Australia and for those who left comments before me, for making my trip from the US a bountiful one. We visited to connect with friends but I came home with about two pounds of glass in my luggage. I didn't find anything truly spectacular but a few special pieces. Here are the places I had success.

Halfway between Manly and Shelly just before the swimming pool I found about 40 pieces tucked into the rocks. Each wave brought in more. Mostly brown, green and white but I found 2 beautiful black pieces and some soft blue pieces.

On a beach just north of the public boat launch I found about over 100 pieces in an hours walk. Mostly brown, green and white but well worn and plentiful.

Just where others said it would be, in the sea caves near the Obelisk. Although you need to climb down cliffs in some cases it is worth the journey. I found over 200 pieces in an hours search. I also left a lot of need to be greedy. Again, mostly green, white and brown but well worn.

This was unexpected as I have never seen another entry about KI. Just went for a morning walk and there it was on the beach across from the Aurora Ozone Hotel in the town of Northcote? This is where I found my most interesting pieces..large and many with raised lettering still on them. Also my first piece of lavender with red flecks. Many pieces like parts of bottle bottoms and a black piece with the letters MARY on it.

I will attach photos if I can figure out how to do it.

Thank you again for all of you who have made comments before. Except for KI you were right on.

Nov 08, 2015
Perth, Western Australia
by: Anno

Nov 08, 2015

I've been collecting seaglass at Cottesloe beach in Perth for about 25 years now, on and off.  I've discovered there's a rhythm to it, the same as the seasons. 

During the winter the beaches get scoured out by storms, and stuff gets tossed up.  Sometimes all you get is shells, and no seaglass at all. 

During the summer, there are often no shells or seaglass.  And then suddenly after a weather event, when all the sand has either been ripped out or replaced by a storm, all the seaglass makes it way to the surface! 

Sometimes there is heaps and heaps, and it congregates in drifts where the waves meet. 

When I say heaps, you may collect a few handfuls during a 15 minute walk along the beach.

Then mysteriously, you can return a week later and there's nothing! 

So I just enjoy the moods of the beach and take whatever comes.

Oct 07, 2015
Previous comments...
by: >>>

Sep 26, 2015
South Coast of New South Wales 
by: Tania 

Recently went on a seaglass hunting holiday - didn't find as much as usual in Narooma this year but did find my first pieces of pale blue and even a teeny lilac piece.

After reading what "anonymous" wrote we set out to Eden. I couldn't figure out exactly what beach she was referring to so I tried the small beach to the right of the wharf (Snug Cove) which didn't disappoint! 

The beach is very pebbly and a lot of the pebbles are so smooth and come in pretty colours. 

Found lots of ambers, light green, mint green, olive green, very dark green (which initially looked black until you held it up to the light), whites and even a pretty teal piece.

After that we tried a bit further up in Cattle Bay (the right side rocky end) and I found loads up along the high tide line. 

Again - mostly ambers, varying shades of green and whites/clears but, I spotted my first ever amethyst purple piece sitting on a rock minding its own business so I pounced on it and did a little happy dance.

I even had my husband looking for it which was a first! I told him to let me know when he was ready to go because once I start finding it I can go for hours and hours - its so addictive this seaglass business.

There is a lady in Eden who makes jewellery out of the seaglass she finds, she has a stall in the Community Art Gallery. I wanted to ask her where she finds her beautiful lilacs but didn't want to appear too cheeky.

Some people dont like to share their favorite seaglass spots but I figure its a gift from Nature which nobody owns or controls so I dont mind sharing the locations of my finds.

Thanks to the person who updated his post about finds in Walhalla, Vic. We will take a trip up there soon in our 4WD now that I know where to go.

Well I'm off to grade my latest haul, next time we are off to Robe in SA where seaglass is apparently available by the bucketload!


Oct 07, 2015

by: >>>

Sep 26, 2015
South Coast of New South Wales 
by: Tania 

Recently went on a seaglass hunting holiday - didn't find as much as usual in Narooma this year but did find my first pieces of pale blue and even a teeny lilac piece.

After reading what "anonymous" wrote we set out to Eden. I couldn't figure out exactly what beach she was referring to so I tried the small beach to the right of the wharf (Snug Cove) which didn't disappoint! 

The beach is very pebbly and a lot of the pebbles are so smooth and come in pretty colours. 

Found lots of ambers, light green, mint green, olive green, very dark green (which initially looked black until you held it up to the light), whites and even a pretty teal piece.

After that we tried a bit further up in Cattle Bay (the right side rocky end) and I found loads up along the high tide line. 

Again - mostly ambers, varying shades of green and whites/clears but, I spotted my first ever amethyst purple piece sitting on a rock minding its own business so I pounced on it and did a little happy dance.

I even had my husband looking for it which was a first! I told him to let me know when he was ready to go because once I start finding it I can go for hours and hours - its so addictive this seaglass business.

There is a lady in Eden who makes jewellery out of the seaglass she finds, she has a stall in the Community Art Gallery. I wanted to ask her where she finds her beautiful lilacs but didn't want to appear too cheeky.

Some people dont like to share their favorite seaglass spots but I figure its a gift from Nature which nobody owns or controls so I dont mind sharing the locations of my finds.

Thanks to the person who updated his post about finds in Walhalla, Vic. We will take a trip up there soon in our 4WD now that I know where to go.

Well I'm off to grade my latest haul, next time we are off to Robe in SA where seaglass is apparently available by the bucketload!


Oct 07, 2015
by: >>>

Jul 18, 2015
Shelly Beach, near Manly 
by: Denise 

I visited Australia recently and found a comment of this site recommending Shelly Beach and it did not disappoint! 

With only about an hour to search, as the sun was setting, my daughter and I each found enough to make the trip worthwhile, maybe 1/3 cup full. 

I don't know how to post a photo, but I do have one.

May 19, 2015
Merimbula and Eden beaches 
by: Anonymous 

We found beautiful sea glass around the rocky areas of Merimbula's beaches and most definitely in Eden near the pier! 

Worth jumping over the bolders to the next beach! 

There was even large vintage fishing ropes, but they're really stuck in the sand!

The smooth sea glass was glittering all over the beach! 

There's a little back beach near the fresh fish market we stopped at for fresh fish and chips! (best ever scallops!) 

We were just passing through, and are not from the area, so sorry we can't be more specific! But seriously an exciting day! 

Came home very happy campers!

May 19, 2015
Bali sea glass 
by: Anonymous 

I noticed that Bali was on the list of places to find sea glass. 

I wasn't getting my hopes up when we went... Pretty much did the whole island...and found sweet nothing... until we arrived at Jimbaran Bay. 

Amazing pottery like I've never seen in my life! 

And the broken coral EVERYWHERE! Heavens above! 

The sea glass there was terrible though - brown and chipped so I didn't waste my breath. 

But I did come home with a ziplock bag of perfectly smooth patterned pottery! 

Clean it before you leave Bali and you'll be right. 

I got told by the locals in Bali you can bring wood home too now from Bali to Melbourne, as long as it's cleaned thoroughly.

Definitely booking my flight back to Bali!

Remember please the rule: leave some for everybody else, otherwise we won't share!

May 19, 2015
Walhalla river glass 
by: Anonymous 

Hi there! As you drive in to Walhalla, about 15 minutes in, there's a huge bridge. Thomson's Bridge I believe it's called. 

Don't cross it. 

Bear off to the left be
fore it. Go down the embankment until you reach the riverbank. You need a 4WD. 

Let your brakes cool down before entering the river, and cross to the other side. 

You'll also find it up the dry river bed that flows into Thomson's River. But be careful in rainy seasons that you don't get caught. 

The RACV get cranky trying to fish 4WD's out of the fast flowing river! All the best!

May 18, 2015
Australia sea glass photos? 
by: David 

Hi all from Lin and David here at OdysseySeaGlass. com

We love to read the comments on Australia's sea glass finds and would love to explore the huge number of beaches there.

However... in lieu of being able to see for ourselves, we would really be excited to see more photos of what you Aussies have found. 

There are lots of comments but almost zero photos of your sea glass!

Please, please, post more photos of Australia's sea glass here!

May 17, 2015
Victoria Australia Seaglass 
by: Tania 

I would love to know the location in Walhalla, Victoria where that fella found seaglass!!! If he reads this, could he please expand???

I live in Lakes Entrance but haven't found any sea glass along our beach, it mustn't have the right conditions (unfortunately!!!). 

The only beaches I have found so far that have seaglass been Conran Beach (tiny pieces in one small area along boardwalk) and Narooma, NSW around Australia Rock.

The quality and quantity at Narooma was good but not profuse. 

You really have to go when the light is good. 

I found my favorite piece there, a red piece about the size of a ten cent coin.

I'm dying to get to Robe in South Australia open in new window for sea glass links where there is tons of seaglass around the obelisk and in the sea cave beneath the obelisk. 

We are planning a trip up the east coast and I am looking forward to checking out the beaches people have suggested. 

My husband is already dreading the idea of having to sit around while I explore and collect (and having to cart my "treasures" around!!!).

Happy hunting everyone!!!


Oct 07, 2015

by: David

Jul 18, 2015
Shelly Beach, near Manly 
by: Denise 

I visited Australia recently and found a comment of this site recommending Shelly Beach and it did not disappoint! 

With only about an hour to search, as the sun was setting, my daughter and I each found enough to make the trip worthwhile, maybe 1/3 cup full. 

I don't know how to post a photo, but I do have one.

May 19, 2015
Merimbula and Eden beaches 
by: Anonymous 

We found beautiful sea glass around the rocky areas of Merimbula's beaches and most definitely in Eden near the pier! 

Worth jumping over the bolders to the next beach! 

There was even large vintage fishing ropes, but they're really stuck in the sand!

The smooth sea glass was glittering all over the beach! 

There's a little back beach near the fresh fish market we stopped at for fresh fish and chips! (best ever scallops!) 

We were just passing through, and are not from the area, so sorry we can't be more specific! But seriously an exciting day! 

Came home very happy campers!

May 19, 2015
Bali sea glass 
by: Anonymous 

I noticed that Bali was on the list of places to find sea glass. 

I wasn't getting my hopes up when we went... Pretty much did the whole island...and found sweet nothing... until we arrived at Jimbaran Bay. 

Amazing pottery like I've never seen in my life! 

And the broken coral EVERYWHERE! Heavens above! 

The sea glass there was terrible though - brown and chipped so I didn't waste my breath. 

But I did come home with a ziplock bag of perfectly smooth patterned pottery! 

Clean it before you leave Bali and you'll be right. 

I got told by the locals in Bali you can bring wood home too now from Bali to Melbourne, as long as it's cleaned thoroughly.

Definitely booking my flight back to Bali!

Remember please the rule: leave some for everybody else, otherwise we won't share!

May 19, 2015
Walhalla river glass 
by: Anonymous 

Hi there! As you drive in to Walhalla, about 15 minutes in, there's a huge bridge. Thomson's Bridge I believe it's called. 

Don't cross it. 

Bear off to the left be
fore it. Go down the embankment until you reach the riverbank. You need a 4WD. 

Let your brakes cool down before entering the river, and cross to the other side. 

You'll also find it up the dry river bed that flows into Thomson's River. But be careful in rainy seasons that you don't get caught. 

The RACV get cranky trying to fish 4WD's out of the fast flowing river! All the best!

May 18, 2015
Australia sea glass photos? 
by: David 

Hi all from Lin and David here at OdysseySeaGlass. com

We love to read the comments on Australia's sea glass finds and would love to explore the huge number of beaches there.

However... in lieu of being able to see for ourselves, we would really be excited to see more photos of what you Aussies have found. 

There are lots of comments but almost zero photos of your sea glass!

Please, please, post more photos of Australia's sea glass here!

May 17, 2015
Victoria Australia Seaglass 
by: Tania 

I would love to know the location in Walhalla, Victoria where that fella found seaglass!!! If he reads this, could he please expand???

I live in Lakes Entrance but haven't found any sea glass along our beach, it mustn't have the right conditions (unfortunately!!!). 

The only beaches I have found so far that have seaglass been Conran Beach (tiny pieces in one small area along boardwalk) and Narooma, NSW around Australia Rock.

The quality and quantity at Narooma was good but not profuse. 

You really have to go when the light is good. 

I found my favorite piece there, a red piece about the size of a ten cent coin.

I'm dying to get to Robe in South Australia open in new window for sea glass links where there is tons of seaglass around the obelisk and in the sea cave beneath the obelisk. 

We are planning a trip up the east coast and I am looking forward to checking out the beaches people have suggested. 

My husband is already dreading the idea of having to sit around while I explore and collect (and having to cart my "treasures" around!!!).

Happy hunting everyone!!!


Oct 07, 2015
by: >>>

May 16, 2015
The Bower - Australia's sea glass 
by: Cathy 

Yep! The Bower is amazing! 

On my first day here I collected a bag full. 

The piece of the day was a perfect dark green heart with a heavy hemispherical blob in the middle. ( I am guessing it was a bottle bottom.) 

There were pale mauve , aquamarine, light amber as well as the more usual browns and greens. 

I now decide what I want to keep and return the unwanted bits to the ocean for someone else to find!.

Mar 21, 2015
by: Jane 

Hi William and other sea glass lovers

That little beach is where most of my seaglass is from. My daughter live s in Manly so when I visit I make sure to look for more. It's exciting. You never know what you'll find. I have a couple of lilac pieces from there.

Feb 13, 2015
My Secret Spot in Sydney 
by: William 

Hi collectors,

I have collected sea glass and used it for jewellery over the years. 

There is a beautiful spot near Manly (in Sydney) where you can often find some beautiful (sometimes very old) glass and some ceramics.

I have never mentioned it to anyone before and as I no longer live nearby ( I grew up in Manly) I figure I can now share its location.

There is a very popular walk from Manly surf beach around to Shelly Beach (Fairy Bower). 

About half way, there are a number of shops and some steps leading down to what locals often referred to as Cabbage Beach. 

It is just a very small section of sand between a rock ledge and the ocean pool. 

This is a GREAT place to find glass at low tide, the beach disappears at full tide. It will often be piled up at various parts of the beach. 

Not huge amounts, but quality and not always there. 

The upside is that even if you don't find any glass the walk is IMHO one of the best beach walks in the world.

I wish you all the best with your collecting.

Thanks for giving this report, William Smiley  

Do you have any photos of any of the sea glass you have found there in the past?

We could really get excited if we saw some pics!!!

David and Lin at OdysseySeaGlass

Sep 07, 2014
by: Diana 

Hi anonymous. 

I live between Nimbin and Murwillumbah and I have found a few pieces at Bilinga, Cabarita and Kingscliff. 

Nothing much else until you go a bit further south to Ballina or further north. 

If interested please come on over to and say hi.

Oct 07, 2015
by: >>>

Sep 06, 2014
Rottnest Island 
by: Scarlett 

I will be going to Rottnest Island, Western Australia and was wondering if anyone knows which beaches I should go to for sea glass and shells. 

I am disabled so am not able to hunt at every beach there and would be grateful for advice as to which beaches are best. 

Thank you.

Sep 03, 2014
Qld/NSW border 
by: Anonymous 

Is there any sea glass around Tweed Heads, and Coolangatta area? 

Or at least up to 30 minutes drive from these destinations?

Jul 28, 2014
Sea glass within and around Bundaberg QLD AUS 
by: Emma 


Does anyone know where I could find sea glass near Bundaberg, Qld Australia?

Jul 15, 2014
Debi - US Pacific Coast sea glass 

Jul 12, 2014
Burleigh heads 
by: Debi 

Hi- I live at Burleigh/ find great seaglass weekly on the headland. 

I have collected glass in the US on the east coast and will be doing a west coast driving holiday up to Canada from LA next year- can anyone recommend places to find glass (other than Fort Bragg)?

by: David and Lin @ Odyssey 

Hi Debi,

The best spot for consistent sea glass on the North America coast north of Fort Bragg is near Port Townsend, Washington.

If you have signed up for our free newsletter (see upper left corner of this page), you will have received a link to a special report with map and everything.

Sign up for our sea glass newsletter here...

Other spots are listed on our page East Coast USA, many with links to photos and reports. 

Be sure to send in photos of what you find and, most of all,

Happy hunting,

Lin and David

Feb 26, 2014
by: Scarlett 

I've found sea glass and shells on Scarborough Beach, Perth. 

If you google it, you'll get the location and directions. 

Good luck :)

Feb 26, 2014
by: Anonymous 

Haven't had much luck in Perth. But on holidays overseas where i cant take shells home i can always find sea glass.

Anyone know a good place in/near perth?

Oct 07, 2015
Previous comments continued
by: >>>

Jan 05, 2014
by: Anonymous 

Found quite a bit up in Walhalla, Victoria, in the rivers. 

Aqua, sea foam greens, porcelain, and various shades of blues. 

Stumbled across it by accident. Really need a 4WD to get to it.

Dec 09, 2013
I <3 Sea Glass 
by: Jennifer 

I'm an avid sea glass collector.

Most of mine has been collected from theRedcliffe Peninsula (where I grew up) in Queensland. 

I've found some lovely pieces including my 2 prized purple pieces. 

Depending on whether you go to the rocky shore or beach shore, the pieces vary greatly in size and wear.

I'd love to be able to date some of the pieces I've collected as I have some very unusual thick neck pieces.

I also collect pieces from any beaches I am fortunate enough to visit on holidays, so have pieces from all over Australia and California. 
They are excellent souvenirs and they're free.

I keep mine in a big apothecary jar with a lid (keeps the dust off) on the sideboard in my dining room.

Nov 18, 2013
Where I have found sea glass in OZ 
by: Sangita 

I'm an avid collector of sea glass in Australia - here is where I have been lucky:

Western Australia:

  • Geralton: Tons of whites
  • Freemantle: Near the Little Creatures Brewery
  • Scarborough: Only a couple of ambers on each walk
New South Wales:
  • Moolaba? - beach tons, as much as you had time to collect
  • Redcliffe Penninsula: Lots of new stuff you have to wade through to get some nice aged pieces but available.
I am going to sunshine coast tomorrow.  Anyone know of a beach there?

Nov 15, 2013
Love sea glass 
by: Earth Blue Australia 

I am an avid Sea Glass collector and like some of the comments posted, I too have encountered so many who have no idea what sea glass is! 

Being an Aussie I naturally am drawn to the ocean and love nothing more than combing the sands for "ocean gems" as I like to call them. 

Some of the colours I find are beautiful and in turn, create treasures for the home or to wear. 

In a way I am lucky that Sea Glass is yet to be discovered, so to speak, by artisans and crafters but I think it will only be a matter of time before I have to share the beaches with other devotees. 

In the meantime I salute all lovers of Sea Glass, current and future.

Sep 03, 2013
ROBE South Australia, did not disappoint! 
by: Sandi Myers 

After reading the comments to find 'bucket loads' of sea glass in Robe in South Australia open in new window for sea glass links ...

May 10, 2013
Robe, South Australia 
by: Anonymous 

The best place I've been to on holidays and came across sea glass was in Robe in South Australia open in new window for sea glass links...

Dec 01, 2012
Will Do 
by: Sharyn 

Hi Diana, yes will look at facebook for fellow gatherers, great that we are able to exchange locations, enough for all to find I think. 

I was at Mollymook yesterday afternoon gathering at low tide just as the waves were running in and out.

The sun must have been at the right angle as the sea glass was glowing under the water between the pebbles. 

Lest my treasures disappear with the next wave I have become adept at the 'snatch and grab' technique much to the amusement of the local dog walkers.

I think they thought I must have been fishing.

Glass glass glass,


Oct 07, 2015
Previous comments on sea glass in Australia
by: Continued...

Nov 28, 2012
Reply to Sharyn 
by: Diana 

Hi Sharyn,

Iknow exactly what you mean, haha. 

I spent a few months looking after my mother south of Wollongong earlier this year and discovered that it's kind of like looking into a 3D picture. 

You can't see anything for a while then all of a sudden it all comes into focus and there they all are! Like magic. 

I found quite a lot of sea glass in and around the beaches of Wollongong. Lovely frosty lilacs,whites, greens even a yellow or two. Zillions of amber. Not much blue. 

It got to the stage where I just left all the ambers behind unless they were exceptional. 

If you're not a member yet why not join Aussie Sea Glass Lovers on FB. We're only new and learning as we go along. 

Love to see some pics of your treasures, 


Sea Glass - Bottle Bottom
Sep 30, 2009 ... Found off Queensland, Australian coastal Island the bottle is around 25cm long, with conical bottom, the dive shop has one similar, however ...

Nov 28, 2012
Mollymook NSW 
by: Sharyn 

Just found this beach in Mollymook NSW, next to the golf club, you drive through the greens and go down Riversdale Avenue to a small beach. 

I found a lot of well frosted and rounded mostly brown and white, some green, possibly best quality I have found. 

Also went to North Wollongong NSW beach near the swimming pool in a small pebbly beach, lots of glass in the pebbles.

Ever notice you are creeping along, nose near your knees, eyes searching for your chosen target for that day, when you look up and refocus your eyes to find a treasure right under your nose? 

Happens to me all the time.

Happy hunting 


Nov 23, 2012
Collecting NSW and QLD 
by: Sharyn 

Hello All, 

I have found the following places for collecting, in NSW, south coast, Kiola boatramp, Ulladulla town beach, Maleny Beach, Port Macquarie, 

in Queensland, Maroochydore beach, Yeppoon (Emu Park under the singing ship) Townsville, along the strand.

Happy collecting

Oct 30, 2012
Niki's Pink find 
by: Diana 

Hi Niki. Congratulations on your special finds. I've never found a pink shard. 

How exciting for you! What a great start to your collection.

by: Niki 

Hi guys!!! An am a very new sea glass hunter :) 

It's has only been a matter of weeks really that I have been taking children to the beaches around the Mornington Peninsula.

I have found my favourite beach!!! I went down there this morning with my toddler and found several interesting finds!!! 

I found a large shard of what appears to have been a faux cut crystal whiskey decanter, a large blue shard with "....ralia" written on it and last but most certainly not least I found a pink piece!!! 

About the size of a 50c piece. I wanted to know how rare pink was in Australia? 

From what I have learnt pink is an unusual colour but I'd like to hear what you think too :)

Happy hunting!!!!!

Oct 19, 2012
Brisbane sea glass 
by: Anonymous 


I have been searching for seaglass for a few years now around Brisbane but I don't think we have the right shorelines and history. 

You need wild weather and rocky beaches and a long history of occupation. 

Our beaches are mostly long sandy strips - lovely for swimming but not for seaglass.

The glass I do find is mostly fairly new and sharp from beer bottles and will need more time to weather into proper seaglass.


Sep 01, 2012
NZ Beaches 
by: Kathy 

I will also be traveling on a cruise ship from Port Chalmers to Waitangi in New Zealand

New Zealand . 

Does anyone know how the beaches are for glass up the coast?


Oct 07, 2015
Previous comments on Aussie sea glass
by: Continued

Sep 01, 2012
He threw them out! 
by: Sharyn 

Just returned from Pattaya Thailand where I have been living for 7 months. 

I had been sea glass collecting in Australia during our motorhome holiday.

The people in Thailand thought I was crazy to want broken glass. 

However I collected some wonderful rounded pieces and also terracotta and porcelain, looking to pack my treasures for home my husband (a non collector) tells me he threw them out!!! 

Our marriage might not survive this! 

Devastated, now back here in Oz on a mission to find more, down in Ulladulla at present.

Not much here, but we will be headed north in the next week, no beach will escape my attentions, I will keep you all posted.

Aug 14, 2012
sea glass in Sydney 
by: michele 

I live just 5 mins. from Malabar beach and often go down to collect. 

You can also find some at La Perouse which is only a few minutes up the road.

Jul 20, 2012
Malabar beach 
by: Kclar250 

I just like to send a big thank you to the person who shared the information about Malabar Beach in NSW, Australia. 

We're on our way home to Brisbane from a VIC holiday and we dropped by on our way and had the most wonderful time. 

Collected lots of new colors! So from all our family, thank you!

Jul 10, 2012
Arnhem Land Treasure 
by: Barbara 

Have just been reacquainted with my collection of sea glass having been away from community for some months. 

I love my sea glass and surprised to see it intact after being left on my back verandah all this time. 

All my sea glass has been collected from one beach in Arnhem Land. 

Since returning have been to beach every day with granddaughters and found some lovely pieces. 

Today I took my distracted 15 year old granddaughter to beach and came by the 2 most exquisite pieces of white/clear glass. 

I'm wondering from the same vessel as they both look like they are part of the base of a bottle/jar. 

Slaughter Bay, Norfolk Island and Malabar and Delwood beaches ...
Have just visited Norfolk Island, about two hours from Sydney, Australia; Slaughter Bay; Lots of glass on Malabar beach. I found a few specks of dark blue and half a red glass bead.

Oct 07, 2015
by: |Previous Comments

Aug 11, 2011
beach jewels 
by: carol 

I spent much time on Malabar Beach
My first time looking and I could have filled buckets full. 

So beautiful and big as well. 

I live in the state of New York in USA and have been looking here along Lake Ontario and lucky if I find five pieces in an hours search. 

So Australia is Sea Glass Heaven.

Sea Glass NSW Australia
South Coast Treasures - August 2012 Sea ... - Sea Glass Odyssey
By: Diana Willock - KunghurNSW Australia Where was this photo taken? Just south of Wollongong NSW south coast Australia Date, time.

Scarborough Beach 
by: Scarlett 

I was vacationing in Perth in Sept/Oct and found a lot of s/g at Scarborough beach. 

With s/g, the best time to find them is at Low Tide. Hope that helps. 

I am now sitting at my computer at home in drab London looking at my jar of beach treasures that I found whilst beachcombing with my nephews :D 

A lovely memory of Precious moments spent with Loved ones :) 

Good Luck :)

sensational sea glass heaven 

Oct 07, 2015
by: Previous comments...

by: Anonymous 

Well, reading all these comments you would think I would be tripping over the stuff! 

Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Northern beaches, or Southern - I have NOT come across an abundance of Sea Glass.

My daughter and I will comb any beaches we find, and sea glass is so rare to find.

Hopefully that's because we litter less on our Australian beaches, but for selfish reasons, it doesn't appease my soul in this search of a naturally seasoned necessity of human nature.

So calling all Aussie's!! Where do you find your glass?

Sydney Beach at Manly with Handfuls 
by: Chris 

I am a newbie sea glass collector having picked up my first piece with my daughter in Cabo, Mexico. 

Now on business trips I race to get to the beaches after meetings before sunset to find some pieces. 

In Sydney I found tons. 

Take the ferry from Sydney across to Manly Beach. 

Walk straight towards Manly beach and follow the walkway to the right towards Shelly Beach. 

Halfway there you will see tons of rocks. Find a quite spot and you and the fish will find handfuls of glass in minutes. 

All white, brown, green, but nice pieces. I have a few that I will try to make into a Mother's Day gift.

Sea Glass in Sydney and Perth, Australia 
by: Anonymous 
I found some in Manly (North of Sydney by ferry). 

When you get off the ferry and out of the terminal, turn left and walk along the pathway past the rocky bits for about 15 minutes brisk walk and you will come to what I think is called Delwood beach. 

It looked like "Delwood beach" because someone had made a mosaic of the name on the pathway leading down there. 

I found a lot of beach treasures and made the acquaintance of a lady who makes jewellery from sea glass. 

Good luck :) 

In Perth, I found many treasures on Scarborough beach.

by: Kylie 

The city beaches of Adelaide are the best for beachcombing! 

At West Beach, when the tides and currents are working, I have picked up bucketloads of glass just within a couple of kilometres. 

It is all mainly brown glass though and sometimes the glass is still very sharp which is a little concerning.

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