Anybody Know Where Black Seaglass Comes From?

by Alex Horn
(For The Moment in Florida)

I've really been wondering where black pieces come from. I only have one piece so I was surprised when I found it. There aren't many black beer bottles but there are some. Maybe it's something else. Any ideas anyone?

Comments for Anybody Know Where Black Seaglass Comes From?

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Black Glass
by: Susan

I,too found a piece of black glass recently on the beach near Hillsboro Inlet, Florida. It's a small piece - looks like it might be the from the lip of a bottle. I've held it up to bright light and it's definitely not dark green!! I've also found a small piece of red here and some small pieces of unusual green shades.

Black Seaglass
by: Maxine

Hi Alex, according to Richard LaMotte's excellent book "Pure Sea Glass", Black glass is usually not black but very dark green, you can see the true colour if you hold it up to a bright light. Its a rare colour since it could be up to 100 years old or even more, from when iron slag was added to some glassware to protect it from sunlight. Its also very strong and the pieces I find are quite big and chunky. There was also black glass tableware made in the late 18th century through to the 1930's in the USA. Either way its pretty rare!

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