Angry Cat! - December 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Jan Fuller
(Port Orchard, Washington State)

Angry Cat trapped in Bonfire Glass!

Angry Cat trapped in Bonfire Glass!

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Jan Fuller , Port Orchard, Washington State

I had to look twice to realize what this was when I first found it. 

It's a piece of debris trapped between two layers of bonfire glass. 

It looks like it was originally one big piece of glass that folded over the debris, then fused and trapped it, looking like a mad cat who wants out!

It's a very large piece, which makes it even more of a rare find.

Where was this photo taken?

 I found this on my beach in Port Orchard, Washington State, which is across the bay from Seattle.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

I used my phone camera, since that's what I had with me on the beach that day.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Jan Fuller , Port Orchard, Washington State

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