Amberina Sea Glass

by David and Lin
(Bow, WA)

Amberina Sea Glass

Amberina Sea Glass

~ submitted by Lin Schneider in Washington State, USA

West Beach, Whidbey Island, WA Lin finds a tiny but nice piece of amberina sea glass.

It is not totally tumbled, but the fact that she found this on a beach where we really wouldn't expect it (more what you would find at an old dump site) so it was exciting.

The tide was really high and real waves for once, almost big enough to surf, not quite unfortunately.

Anyway, we wanted to get a photo of it in the water...and almost lost it under the waves!
Amberina sea glass

~ submitted by Lin Schneider in Washington State, USA

Comments for Amberina Sea Glass

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May 23, 2012
Oh my gosh!
by: Anonymous

I was in Santa Cruz, CA last week and found a tiny piece of amberina glass just like yours! I was extremely excited!

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