A Summer Day Find - April May 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest
by Marian Guidoboni
(Fremont, New Hampshire USA)
A Summer Day Find
These fabulous finds were from a wonderful day on the ocean in Maine.
We spent the day motoring in a small metal boat lent to my husband going in and out of little coves along islands away from the shore of Rockland.
I do not know the names of these islands and am not sure I could even find this beach again!
It was a cool clear sunny day nearing the end of the summer of 2015.
There is nothing that describes the utter joy and sense of delight I have when I found these colors and placing them together made such a beautiful display coming from this amateur sea glass collector.
What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?This photo came from my little Apple I-phone. I do not own a high priced camera.
It seems to me that if you have the right item and use natural light you have it made.