30/12/17 Fairy Bower, Shelley beach, Manly, Sydney Fun treasure hunt

by Sandy
(Narrabeen, Sydney, NSW Australia)

Sea Glass - Fairy Bower, Shelley beach, Manly

Sea Glass - Fairy Bower, Shelley beach, Manly

This little beach never disappoints at low tide.

I found two marbles last time I was there and this time I think I found my first little beach glass button.

This is the back of it, but looking at it from the front, the holes have fused closed over time.

Comments for 30/12/17 Fairy Bower, Shelley beach, Manly, Sydney Fun treasure hunt

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Jan 11, 2018
Urbana, OH
by: Pat

I was there a year ago and had a blast! It didn't seem like many were searching for sea glass in Australia. I hope it doesn't get depleted soon, as I'm hoping to go back in 2019.

Jan 09, 2018
So pretty
by: Susan

I have also found some lovely pieces there. But no marbles or buttons! Those colours are beautiful.

Jan 02, 2018
by: David

A button! Great find!! Better than a marble even !!!

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