2/19/16 Galleon Beach Antigua Black Glass!!

by Stephanie Watkins

Galleon Beach, Antigua - Caribbean sea glass

Galleon Beach, Antigua - Caribbean sea glass

I snorkeled for these. So, it takes a discerning eye to find it underwater.

I am in the English Harbor where many ships from around the world have come and gone since the beginning of the 17th century.

I feel pretty lucky to have found these precious gems of our maritime past.

As a sailor, I am especially proud to have a piece of maritime history.

Comments for 2/19/16 Galleon Beach Antigua Black Glass!!

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May 06, 2016
Black Seaglass
by: Tania

I have some large chunks of black - a bottle bottom, a bottle top from a Codd bottle and lots of other sizes that I found in Robe South Australia, Lorne Victoria and Eden New South Wales.

They most likely originally came from the UK on a boat. It's very easily missed when hunting but it becomes easier once you are familiar with it.

I wish I had the courage to scuba dive; I can only imagine the treasures to be found down there!!!

Lakes Entrance, Victoria Australia

Feb 26, 2016
Black glass
by: ginnie

Loved your photo with black Caribbean sea glass. I found similar in Jamaica at another sea port.

Good glass hunting to you

Feb 26, 2016
Black Sea Glass
by: Adele Price

Well done to you for finding these!

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