2015 April 2015 Huanchaco Peru Sea Glass

by David and Lin Schneider
(Huanchaco Beach, Peru, South America)

Sea Glass Sunset in Huanchaco, Peru

Sea Glass Sunset in Huanchaco, Peru

We had a beautiful day at the beach.

The weather was nice but just a little breezy with a skiff of fog.

Then the sun appeared in time for the sunset.

Lin shows the nice sea glass we found.

The beach has been scoured by big waves at the time of this photo.

The big waves themselves break quite a ways out over rocky/sandy bottom. Then the white water comes into the beach washing the sand and rounded gravel way up the beach and then dragging and tumbling it back down.

The surf is very consistent here day after day and produces very rounded sea glass.

Of course, there is also fresher glass from the litterers but we don't really mind that too much.

Comments for 2015 April 2015 Huanchaco Peru Sea Glass

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Apr 16, 2015
by: Harley

That is a BEAUTIFUL photo. LOVE it!! We are heading to Ft. Bragg, CA Glass Beach July 11th. Can't wait.


Thanks for the nice note, Harley. Have a great time!

David and Lin

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