Wondering What This May Have Come From

by Debra Virga
(Waterford CT)

Sunburst or Flower Pattern?

Sunburst or Flower Pattern?


What could this piece of beach glass have come from?

It is white glass with a sunburst or flower design.

~ sea glass question submitted by Debra Virga, Waterford. Connecticut USA


Patterned Window Glass

Most likely it is patterned window glass like this photo from a salvaged door with Florentine glass, dating to the early 1900’s. Patterned glass like this is called rolled glass due to the production process.

clear sunburst pattern window glass
See Antiques.com for photo information

~ answer from David at Odyssey Sea Glass

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Jul 25, 2017
sea glass piece
by: Anonymous

I have a piece just like it, I bought it back from Cuba, 2017.

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