Unique glass bouy

by Tad
(Mission Viejo)

Old glass bouy

Old glass bouy

My grandfather was a fisherman and net maker in Los Angeles, and was the first hardhat diver in Los Angeles harbor in the 1940's. He was the first person to explore the wrecks in the harbor, and he found a Japanese fishing boat that had sunk in the harbor in a deeper section a VERY long time ago. He recovered a glass bouy and some of the original netting from the wreck.

The unique thing about this glass bouy is that the glass cork is fused with the bouy over time, and is about half filled with water. That can only happen if it's trapped underwater for a very, very long time. When he died, he left me the bouy and a lot of stories. The water is still in there, fused in a solid glass bouy. Normal glass bouys are boring but this one is fun because it has water in the middle that sloshes around and cant come out.

I just became aware that there's a collectors market for old glass bouys. Well, this one is the king of glass bouys, and it's all true because you can't fake it. And it's by far the most cool glass bouy I've ever seen.

Any idea how I could figure out what it's worth?

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Dec 04, 2020
by: Tad

I'm so sorry to hear of Stu Farnsworth's passing. I hope it was peaceful, and I wish the best for his family in their grief.

Dec 04, 2020
Glass bouys and floats
by: David

Unfortunately and sadly, our friend and glass float expert, Stu Farnsworth, has passed away and we all will miss him. Does anyone know of another expert who can help with this category? Thanks, David & Lin

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