Sea Glass Spain - Nova Icaria Beach, Barcelona

by Megan LaVogue
(Florida, United States)

Sea Glass Spain - Nova Icaria Beach

Sea Glass Spain - Nova Icaria Beach

~ sea glass report from Spain submitted by Megan LaVogue of Florida, United States

Nova Icaria, Spain Sea Glass

July 13, 2009 - Barcelona's beach near Port Olympic. Nova Icaria might be the name.

Great amounts of sea glass...most too small for jewelry, but still found handfuls of tiny, small and medium sized pieces in less than an hour.

Here are photos of some of my findings.

I went twice for a total of about 90 minutes and I found so much!

How would you rate this beach for sea glass? Excellent

1 - Can you or your readers help me identify what the pieces with wire inside are from?
2 - And the "marble", and the piece of terra cotta with blue on it? (I saw that you and Lin found similar pieces near your home!)

3 - Also, what color would you say the rose/salmon pieces could be classified as?

Thanks for this site- it helped me know to try the beach in Barcelona while I was there, and I am glad I did!

~ sea glass report from Spain submitted by Megan LaVogue of Florida, United States

July 14, 2009

We're so glad you had a good time and were delighted with your experiences and seeing your photos.

Here's our comments on your questions:

1 –     The sea glass with wire probably was sheet glass containing wire mesh embedded between the two faces to prevent shattering in the event of breakage.

It's also called safety glass, but that's a confusing term, as there are other kinds of safety that don't have wire in them.   

2 -     Here's a wonderful link for learning about marbles.

We have some cat-eyes, which if I remember rightly date from after 1950  and then we have a few from earlier than that.

The older marbles that we have are are opaque, not see-through; have a white background; one with a blue swirl and one that is with a light green background with a darker green swirl through it.

Maybe some readers will pitch in on the terra cotta shards (beach pottery, earthenware shards).

3-     As far as the color, I would call it a light coral/salmon, looking at the color chart.

However, in natural light, it could be quite different.

 Thanks again for the comments and photos and the excellent report,

David and Lin Schneider

Comments for Sea Glass Spain - Nova Icaria Beach, Barcelona

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Jun 04, 2023
Glass Factories and rods
by: Anonymous

Hi there! I am wondering if anyone knows where the old glass factories in Barcelona are as I am hoping to find the long rods of glass as I don't have anything like that in my collection. I have been lucky enough to get a really cool collection in Iceland and France of a variety of colors and am now looking for different shapes! I only have 2 days to look for glass so hoping for specific info. I have heard of Mataro Beach but don't know any specifics and it appears to be outside of Barcelona.

Oct 16, 2018
Barcelona spain
by: Pat, Urbana OH

My daughter was here a year ago and had found tons, so we decided to come back. Very little sea glass to be found. It appears they've "cleaned up" the beaches in Barcelona and have added a lot of new sand, thus covering up all the treasures. It was a real disappointment from what it had been just a year ago.

Mar 11, 2018
by: Jeanine

thank you for the very beautiful photos

Aug 27, 2015
by: Amy Martelli


Just came from the South of Spain ...specifically Marbella...and we found a lot of sea glass.

Mostly clear, green and brown...but also one ruby red and one dark blue.

I'm now a collector!

May 26, 2012
glass with wire
by: Lisa

The glass with wire comes from old security windows.

Jul 16, 2009
by: Megan

Thanks for allowing me to post my pics from my finds! Your expertise on sea glass is appreciated... I do wonder though, about the safety glass, since I have it not just in white, but in brown and green too. I imagine safety glass the way we have it here- as a window!
Looking forward to hearing from more world travelers so I can dream about our next vacation!
That's a good question about the color of the glass. Perhaps some readers can chip in on this.

David (editor)

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