Sea Glass Rainbow Circle - August 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Gaelle Nicolussi
(Victoria, BC, Canada)

Sea Glass Rainbow Circle

Sea Glass Rainbow Circle

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Gaelle Nicolussi, Victoria, BC, Canada

Where was this photo taken?

This photo was taken in Victoria, British Columbia.

It is a photo of sea glass collected on August 14th 2014 at a nearby beach by Dallas Road in Victoria, BC.

This is one haul's worth of sea treasures!

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

Arranging the sea glass by color was so fun!

I love making seaglass arrangements and mosaics.

It's such a good feeling to get back from a hunt and taking a closer look at what you got!

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

This photo was taken with my iPod Touch 5G camera, no filter :)

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Gaelle Nicolussi, Victoria, BC, Canada

Click here to see all the submissions to the Odyssey Sea Glass Online Digital Photo contests.



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