Sea Glass Man

by Barry B. Brown

Sea Glass Man

Sea Glass Man

~ submitted by Barry B. Brown in Bonaire in the Caribbean

Where was this photo taken?


Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

7-13-2013, Noonish, Sunny

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

Sea Glass Man started with a single piece that looked like a head with teeth.

From there he quickly grew into a colorful pirate looking mate with his faithful dog.

All pieces used were found on the beach including his cool little sea-shell hands.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Nikon D-800. 28-70 lens

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

I find that ideas are fairly easy to invent, it's making your ideas a reality that takes time.

Light is everything, wet your sea-glass and use a star filter for a killer little bling-bling effect.

~ submitted by Barry B. Brown in Bonaire in the Caribbean

Comments for Sea Glass Man

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Dec 13, 2014
by: Becky

I am going to Bonaire on vacation in August.

Any suggestions where I should look for sea glass?

Thank you.


Feb 11, 2014
So Cool
by: Anonymous

How fun is this!!! I am so impressed by this creation. There are a lot of great ideas using our beloved glass, but yours tops it for me.

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