Sea glass I found in 2 hours on Cayucos beach

by Donna
(Cayucos, Ca.)

Sea glass from the beach in Cayucos

Sea glass from the beach in Cayucos

I found this sea glass on the beach in Cayucos, Ca. in 2 hours. I love it here.

Comments for Sea glass I found in 2 hours on Cayucos beach

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Mar 18, 2017
Giant size grey seaglass
by: Lori

I found this at Morrow bay after the storms. I need some feedback on your thoughts.

Nov 03, 2015
Morro Bay at Morro Rock, Calif.
by: Ethan

Morro Bay has very good beach glass in the winter.

We have red, aqua, cobalt, violet, orange, many shades of green, brown and white.

Several large and patterned pieces. This past winter was great.

Fair in summer, good in winter!

Watch for the surf.

Apr 28, 2015
I second Cayucos
by: Anonymous

Yes, a great beach for sea glass, especially the Chevron dog beach section, and at low tide of course.

Look for the spots that have small tumbled rocks and that's where you'll find some glass.

Apr 26, 2010
Cayucos Rocks
by: Anonymous

Hey Donna!

Stay off my beach!!! hahaha
Good Job - see you out there!


Apr 12, 2010
by: Nancy Latimer

Do want to sell some of your glass? I am looking to buy aquas, and blues, light and dark, cobalt. If interested my e-mail is:


Apr 11, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks for re-uploading the photo, it turned out good!


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