Sea Glass - Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, WA

by Harley
(Washington, USA)

Looking west over the Strait of Juan de Fuca from Ediz Hook (sand spit)

Looking west over the Strait of Juan de Fuca from Ediz Hook (sand spit)

~ sea glass report on Ediz Hook by Harley in Port Townsend, Washington

Sea Glass - Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, WA - Sea Glass

Ediz Hook is a one & a half mile spit. North side of spit is fairly good, although picked over pretty hard by mid-summer.

Former dump location nearby feeds the spit with all kinds of treasures.

I have found 40+ marbles at this beach over the past 2 years. Winter is best, if you can stand the weather.

~ sea glass report on Ediz Hook by Harley in Port Townsend, Washington

See also Aaron's Ediz Hook, WA, sea glass:

Sea Glass Washington State
Aaron's - Ediz Hook WA
tides for port townsend wa

Tide Chart for Ediz Hook, Washington

Comments for Sea Glass - Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, WA

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Dec 31, 2014
Ediz Hook
by: Kelly, WA

I had read good reviews of the Ediz Hook especially during the winter months so I was excited to try my luck here. However when we went all we found was new glass and a few pieces that were barely craft grade. We explored both sides of the spit.

If you do decide to go here please take caution on the north side of the spit. It can be very rocky and slow going especially at a higher tide. The north side is also lined with large rocks, easier to cross over closer to the coast guard lands.

Dec 31, 2014
Ediz Hook - Not a Lot but Big Surprises
by: David and Lin from OdysseySeaGlass

When you go to Ediz Hook, don't expect to find much. Usually you'll get some tiny bits of indifferent glass, some metal objects, nice driftwood, but probably not a good piece of sea glass.

On the other hand, there are BIG surprises occasionally, as Harvey states.

Like this tiny true purple, very rare. I believe it was the only good sea glass we found that day in May 2013:

ediz hook purple sea glass Lin

Or, one or more marbles, like this one on a different day in 2013. Along with the marble, we only found junky little bits of sea glass (of course, nice driftwood, etc).

Lin marble Ediz Hook 2013

So, if you go to Ediz Hook, go at low tide and don't expect to find anything. You may go home with nothing, or you may be SUPER surprised.

Either way, with low expectations, you won't be disappointed!

Feb 04, 2014
Sea Glass from Cemetery from before
by: David at OdysseyS

You might look up Michael Smith. He's a jeweler who has been in Port Angeles a long time.

He got the sea glass bug about 10 years ago or more and hit cemetery beach (west of the spit about 1/2 mile) every single day for a year - before they put in the brick brack and ruined it.

Incredible hunky oranges, yellows, zillions of pieces, marbles galore. Last time we visited him, his shop was in back of the Winery Barn on Hwy 101 before you get to Port Angeles. Tons of glass displayed in the window.

Here are a few of his marbles:

michaels marbles sea glass

Mar 20, 2011
by: Randy Millholland

One of the comments was did anyone remember the go kart track that was where the ball fields are located next to Lincoln Park.

I raced at the track from around 1960 to 1963. That was a great childhood memory. Nickname was Magoo Millholland No. 10

Feb 03, 2011
by: Harley

YES!!!! Marbles "count" as sea glass and they are my favorite sea glass to find.

Its a great day of glassing when you find a marble, and a few times I have 5-marble days.

Congrats on your finds!

Feb 03, 2011
Found marbles
by: Lynn

I've found quite a few marbles recently at the Spit.

Do they count as Sea Glass? I've never really known what Sea Glass was until I moved to Port Angeles recently.

Beautiful place.

Sep 02, 2010
For Christy
by: Harley

We just did the old dump beach last Sunday and didn't find anything worth mentioning. It was only my second time to that beach and I have to say I was disappointed. The hook is probably your better bet. But if you decide you HAVE to check it out, drive out W. 18th street, all the way to the cemetery. Drive to the NW corner of the cemetery (open field west of the plots in use). You will find a little trail by 2 large cement blocks. Tides are iffy down there too, but good luck!!

Sep 02, 2010
Thanks - Port Angeles Sea Glass
by: Christy

thanks for the details, Michelle, I will email you later.

anyone know how to access the area of the old dump site "legally" (since tides won't be low enough?)

Aug 03, 2010
by: Anonymous

Does anyone remember the go kart track at Lincoln Park? It is where the ball fields are now. I owned the track record in "63".

Aug 02, 2010
by: B.J.

I can remember as a child before moving from P.A. In the late 50's the dump was somewhere west of the fairgrounds. I remember my father backing up to the cliff and dumping straight off into the ocean. Imagine doing that now! At that time it was the only dumpsite that I can remember.

Aug 01, 2010
For Christy
by: Harley

Hey Christy,

As you're driving thru Port Angeles, stay on Front street all the way thru town, past the truck route, and the road turns into Marine Drive.

Follow that all the way to the end of the hook.

The Coast Guard gate will tell you if you've gone too far. lol Park anywhere out there and walk the north side of the hook, not the beach on the inside of the harbor.

It is kind of picked over this late in the summer, but you just never know.

The old dump site is a couple miles west of the hook and I've found good stuff on all the nearby beaches.

Unless the tide is really really low, you can't walk the beach to the old dump site from the hook.

Feel free to e-mail me directly anytime. michelle at poeinc dotcom

Aug 01, 2010
Ediz Hook
by: Christy

Wondering where the dump site was located? Headed out to Sequim in September, with less than optimal tides, and wondering where to park, and where to focus efforts?

Jul 22, 2010
by: B.J.

Grew up there and left for Tennessee in 63. I remember walking the logs while my father fished. That's when all the paper mills were still up and running. Great childhood.

Jul 17, 2009
by: Harley

I live practically a stone's throw from "the Hook".

Jul 17, 2009
by: Harley

Drop me an e-mail next time you're coming to PA and I'll meet you for a seaglass odyssey on Ediz Hook! There are some sweet low tides this weekend and I can't wait to go... even though they are at 6 and 7am... Its worth it!!

Will do! I don't know when though...

David and Lin

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