San Francisco Sea Glass

by Kelly
(San Francisco, CA)

Sea Glass? Bayview San Francisco USA

Sea Glass? Bayview San Francisco USA

San Francisco, CA Sea Glass by Kelly - San Francisco, CA

Hi I moved to San Francisco April 7th just one week ago from Va.

I saw a show on sea glass in Va. and thought to take a look for myself being one block from the water I rushed down the very next day, and WOW!

I found at least a few hundred pieces.

Is that normal?

I found 6 small red, a few small orange, lots of white large frosted, browns, greens and gold colors.

Bottle tops, quite a few with words like pint and liter and some just letters or designs.

Is there anyone in my area whom can help me to see my find?

Please email me at yllek1 (at)

OdysseySeaGlass appreciates this and all reports we receive, but we have not been to this beach ourselves and cannot verify this report.

  • No photos were included with this report.
  • Beach was not given a clear rating (stating number of jewelry-grade pieces found per hour).
  • The map shows that this beach is in a bay that likely does not get enough wave action to produce much jewelry-grade sea glass.
As always, we remind folks that sea glass beach reports are not confirmed by Lin or me at Odyssey Sea Glass unless otherwise stated.

Reports that do not include photos of the sea glass found are less reliable. Please use your own judgement in deciding whether to travel to this particular beach or not.

David and Lin @ OdysseySeaGlass

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Please see also these pages on San Francisco sea glass:

Sea Glass Fort Bragg Beach Mendocino Bayview San Francisco Sea Glass Caution
I just wanted to comment on the post about this location~ The Bayview Dist in San Francisco does not have Ocean Access~ It is on the East side of the city and if ...

Sea Glass Fort Bragg Beach Mendocino I want to share the beach !
I don't mind telling people where I find all those beautiful glasses all the time. Do you ... My beach is called Pillar Point Beach near San Francisco. I found red ...

Comments for San Francisco Sea Glass

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Sea glass in Bay
by: Anonymous


Where in SF can I find Bayview District in San Francisco, CA. when looking for sea glass. Going tomorrow for anniversary and would love to add this to our trip. Please email me at verrasei at msn . com


Hi Anonymous,

First, be sure to read this page:

To find that area of San Francisco, go to Google, search for Bayview, San Francisco, San Francisco County, California.

Click on the "Earth" view. You will see that this is a very industrial area and access to the beach is limited. 

We are not familiar with how to get to a beach there, but it looks like the most obvious place would be Candlestick Point State Recreational District.

Perhaps a viewer can add more information. We will drop you an email.

David and Lin @

Low Tide but Be Careful
by: Laurel

The beaches in SF from Ft Funston to about Noreiga change from day to day.

I have never found sea glass during a high tide so go when it is low tide.

Be EXTREMELY careful because SF beaches are VERY dangerous for sneaker waves & rip tides and several people die every year.

The ocean is very powerful.

When I find sea glass, it's in pebble piles on the beach.

Ocean Beach San Francisco and Point Richmond
by: Sarah Lloyd

Hi - I don't exactly know how to comment on a beach but I was JUST at ocean beach in san Francisco CA and really there was nothing I found about 5 tiny pieces of white and one brand new piece of brown which I threw away so no one stepped on it.

I walked about a mile all the way to the Cliff House. Slightly disappointing considering the drive and cost since I'm about 50 miles away, but I checked it out.

Anyway I wanted to ask are there any beaches in SF that have been more, shall we say, "plentiful" in the way of sea glass that have been reported? I'd love to check it out.

Also, I've been to Point Richmond after seeing someone's writing on your site and some others - not really a "beach" but part of the mudflat preserve for wildlife.

In any case, some lovely little pieces, one awesome purple, one melted glass piece and LOADS of bits and pieces of pottery litter the beach - oh yes, and there is a lot of litter on the beach as well.

ALWAYS wear shoes here. It has an odd feel to it -please let me know how I can post some pictures of what it really looks like.

Anything nearby I'd LOVE to try out.

Thanks so much.


Bayview District
by: Connie

Hi Kelly,

Where do you access the shore in the Bayveiw District? I Am not familiar with that area and did not feel safe to venture out.


Any particular area?
by: Anonymous

Hi, Im going for a trip to San Francisco soon and I was wondering where the best place to look is.

Like by any particular street or building or address.

It seems bayview is a large area. If you have any additional info, it would be greatly appreciated if you emailed me here:
bluenautalis (at)

Thank You :D

San Francisco Sea Glass question
by: Anonymous

I've been to San Francisco and I was just wondering where is Bayview?

Looking for Sea Glass
by: Matt

I might have seen the same show you did on Sea Glass a few years ago. We are coming on a quick trip to San Francisco area soon and planning on spending some time looking for sea glass.

What is the best area to look that is accessible by vehicle and kid friendly?

Please contact me at mbarney33 (at) let me know.

Thanks so much!

still finding lots and lots of seaglass in bayview, S.F.
by: kelly

I'm still finding lots of sea glass in the Bayview District in San Francisco, ca. large royal blue piece was the best. kelly

SF Sea Glass
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am in the SF Bay Area. I get lots of those as you described. Blue glass is so rare. happy hunting!

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