Rare Red Sea Glass found Today!!

by Peggie
(Santa Barbara, CA)

Rare red sea glass!

Rare red sea glass!

Found Red Sea Glass Today!! Santa Barbara north coast. I just submitted a picture of all our rare sea glass! I meant to show only the red one! Sorry. So here is the rare red sea glass!

Comments for Rare Red Sea Glass found Today!!

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Nov 17, 2010
by: Laury

I've been a glasser for 2 months and found a lovely piece of red and a multi about 2 weeks ago on the same day. I feel very lucky!

May 01, 2010
Wow, Red Sea Glass is really Rare
by: David (editor) and Lin

That is such a great find! Many people have spent years and thousands of pieces of sea glass without ever finding red!

So I hope they are not the jealous type.

Keep up the good hunting,

David and Lin
Los Organos, Peru

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