Pescadero, California Sea Glass

by Josh Schneider
(Santa Cruz, Calif, USA)

Pescadero State Beach, San Mateo, CA

Pescadero State Beach, San Mateo, CA

~ report submitted by Josh Schneider, La Selva Beach, United States

Beach - Near Pescadero

For kicks, last weekend we were surfing at the beaches just above Pescadero and there was sea glass everywhere!

I probably got 30 pieces in half an hour and started to overlook the standard white and brown pieces because there was just so much.

Select pieces of dark blue and teal were also to be found.

There you have it.>

~ report submitted by Josh Schneider, La Selva Beach, United States


David (editor...and Josh's Dad)

Thanks for sending this in, Josh. Who would have thought that Pescadero Beach would have sea glass...take the camera next time!

*for photos from that stretch of beach, see Seaglass Near Pescadero

Comments for Pescadero, California Sea Glass

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Mar 05, 2015
When To Collect Sea Glass !
by: Tony Tee Shirt

Hi Everyone,

The only time you will find sea glass at Pescadero is on LOW TIDE of course.

My wife and I always go out one hour before low tide and we have never been skunked.

We walk the beach at high tide first, then on the way back we walk it low tide at the water's edge.

Apr 14, 2012
Been to that beach 14 times, no glass
by: Anonymous

That is a beach that I have frequented for the last decade. I've been there at low tide and mid-tide, and twice during close to high tide and rough waves and I have found nothing. I've walked the full length of that beach except for the inaccessible parts with deep water.

I've also traveled a bit south of that beach and in four trips I have found nothing. There is a part of one beach that has a creek that feeds into the ocean and is not as popular as the main beach and I have not found anything. In fact, there aren't any shells to be found. If I am lucky, I might find a few pieces of driftwood.

If indeed anything was ever found at these beaches, it must have been in deep water (more than 3 feet high)up against cliffs. Those are areas that are exactly safe. Wader hip boots would be needed.

Feb 02, 2012
No glass
by: Jess

I went to Pescadero today.

Two hours of hiking and looking on every beach and I didn't find a single piece! I looked EVERYWHERE!

Nov 08, 2010
No sea glass at Pescadero
by: Heidi at Pajaro

Well, we went yesterday at low tide (lowest of the month) and checked out all three areas of Pescadero: the north end (below the cliffs), the central part where all the drift wood comes in up to the lagoon, and the southern part near the tidepools and the offshore rock.

Today time searching 2+ hours and 1 small piece of white frosted.

Not sure what part of Pescadero has the sea glass but is wasn't where we were yesterday...

Nov 03, 2010
Pescadero or Pomponio?
by: Heidi at Pajaro

Was interested to see your comments about sea glass at Pescadero as we will be there on Saturday. You note, however, that you were at the beaches "above" Pescadero and I didn't know what that might mean... the north end of Pescadero State Beach itself? Pomponio Beach to the northe? or another beach area?

thanks in advance for any help in directing me,

Jun 08, 2009
Pescadero Sea Glass Photos
by: Josh


Sorry, no photos of the sea glass at the beach.

Your pictures sure look nice. I don't see any waves though.

We caught great waves at our "secret spot" in Big Sur on Saturday. No sea glass there though.

Jun 07, 2009
Pescadero ?
by: Jay

I can't believe it that you found sea glasses at Pescadero Beach ! I was there not long ago but didn't see even one !
It must be something to do with the tide.
I wish I were there when you were there to grab all the pieces !
You said you found many blues ones but I hardly ever see blue ones anywhere.
You lucky dog !

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