Overcrowded now

by Barbara

At first I didn't mind, but now the tiny little beach near where I live has become so congested with people looking for glass from other areas, that there's nothing left for the locals at the end of the day.

Its disheartening, not to mention when they come,with their wetsuits and big ole baskets, scoop out what they want then leave the sandcrabs and other critters to dry out in the sand is very upsetting.

I have found myself literally following one guy and going thru the piles he leaves on the beach to try and save as many as possible. Its a shame really.

The ocean (and man from years ago) has provided us this little luxury but we HAVE TO respect the life there that is being interrupted by that greed.

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May 24, 2014
Excellent note!
by: Louie

Totally appreciate your note OCN!

Peoples, as a rule of thumb, check your scoop findings by the shoreline so you those little sand critters can quickly get back into the surf...and yes, we have the Sea Glass Angel's permission to assist them :)

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