My Sea Glass Finds Today - May 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by robert fuller

My Sea Glass Finds Today - England

My Sea Glass Finds Today - England

~ photo submitted by Robert Fuller - England

Where was this photo taken?

I took photo in the house after getting back from the beach in England the beach is called the North of England Beach

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

Around 3pm the beach was dull wet and cold date 25-4-2012

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I thought the photo good because you can see the colours of the sea glass and i am so lucky i can  find glass like this every day when i go to beach and i am new to cameras and not that good at taking photos

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Fuji Fine Pix s3040

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

I just keep practicing taking more than one photo then pick the best one

~ photo submitted by Robert Fuller - England

Comments for My Sea Glass Finds Today - May 2012 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Nov 29, 2017
Dodgy photo and submitter
by: Anonymous

As an English person, I can tell you there is no beach called the North of England Beach. As a sea glass collector, I doubt all these pieces were found in one spot. As an ex English teacher, I doubt that post was written by someone called Robert Fuller!

Aug 28, 2015
Great Finds!
by: Randi Blak

What great finds! Where were you?


Aug 28, 2015
by: Dianna

That is beautiful...did you find that in the USA?

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