Monmouth Junction, NJ - Neptune's Confetti

by Brian Jenkins
(Monmouth Junction, NJ, USA)

sea glass directory

Monmouth Junction, NJ

Neptune's Confetti

Sea Glass Artistry by Brian and Penny Jenkins

She Sells Sea Glass Hobart Tasmania Australia

Hand picked on the beaches of Bermuda and hand crafted in the wilds of New Jersey, these are unique wire woven sea glass pendants and earrings of various sizes, shapes, and colors.


It all began with a honeymoon cruise,and a love of sea glass.

Directed by a helpful Bermudian to a little known, well hidden beach, just "between the pink and blue houses, and down some steps" ...greeted by the sight of more glittering glass than we had ever seen before in one place, looking  like the aftermath of a mermaid's wedding.

She Sells Sea Glass Hobart Tasmania Australia

Like kids in a candy shop, we collected more than we could comfortably carry, and dragged it all home with us on the ship. And then we said... "Now What?"

Too lovely to shut away in a cabinet, too numerous to display all together...and then, inspiration: Brian's skill at basketry translated into an idea for pendants that could be worn as jewelry or hung as decorative items.

He approached the project with the same mind set he brings to his organically shaped baskets: integrating natural, earthy materials into free-form shapes and patterns.

She Sells Sea Glass Hobart Tasmania Australia But instead of vessels woven of willow and sea grass, the elements of choice were wire and sea glass.

A perfect solution to enhance, honor, and share these gems of the water, and to elevate
the level of appreciation we had for their intrinsic beauty.

Sharing these woven wire sea glass pendants with others seemed the next logical step. So we needed a name for our little endeavor.

The joy with which they were thrown from the sea onto the beach fired our imaginations... what denizen of the deep would toss around these colorful chips with such abandon, and why?

Hmmm....Wait a minute..."like a mermaid's wedding"....why, we could call them... NEPTUNE'S CONFETTI
And so we did.


We offer pendants of varying sizes, colors, shapes, and prices.

  • The woven wire is available in plated silver or gold tone, with a back mounting loop incorporated into the design.    
  • String them on a chain or narrow ribbon to create necklaces or chokers, add a hook and hang them as tree decorations, attach a small suction cup and they become incredibly luminous sun catchers in a bright window... their uses are as limitless as the owner's imagination!
Earrings are also available, sold separately or as a set, and priced accordingly.

Contact Info

All of our jewelry is available through our website, , and at various local (New Jersey) craft and art shows year-round.

Events we attend are announced on our products page.

We can be contacted by
  • email at
  •, or
  • brian@neptunesconfetti.

We would be happy to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.

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