Many colors of sea glass

by Toshi Kanno
(El Granada CA)

Many colors of sea glass

Many colors of sea glass

Most of the time when you go to the beach, you will find green, white or sometimes brown. These are the colors usually find at any beach. For a long time I never saw any other colors but green.

But one day I saw different shade of green, that was the beginning and next, blue!

More I go to the beach, more I found variety of colors.

Now I have four shades of blue, five shades of green, four shades of yellow, red, violet, gray, and a white piece in very interesting shape(must have been a bottle stopper)!

My prized piece is the one with pale greenish yellow color. I don't even know how to call the color like this. I have never even seen a bottle with this color! It made me wonder what it was before broke into tiny pieces!

Not all of them have desirable shapes but some of them are gem quality. I'm not a show off but I wanted to share the joy of seeing many colors of sea glass with other sea glass lovers.

Never say never and be patient, someday you will find rare and unusual colored piece.

Comments for Many colors of sea glass

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Aug 18, 2013
by: Nanci Brooks

I didn't even know Sea Glass existed until two years ago when I read an article in Parade entitled "A SHORE THING"

Not Long after that my daughter rented a house on the Beach in CT and I found my first piece on the Beach.

I was like a kid in a candy store, so excited and elated.

I have a collection of mostly greens, browns, lavender and my favorite Seafoam.

I would love to find Cobalt Blue.

May 22, 2011
جست ج و برای یک دوست
by: رزا رضوی

خانم توشیه کانو خواهش می کنم با من تماس بگیرید
toshie kanno

Feb 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hey, I find it odd that you say "sometimes" brown, but for me its always brown and on the best day some green. I wish we could trade...I love the greens more than the burnt ambers and tea-colored ones. Oh well!

Jun 03, 2009
Someone somewhere always know something I don't !
by: Toshi Kanno

Thanks an anonymous blogger for the information about my mysterious colored piece of glass.
I will try to see the glass through black light !
I hope it's what you think it is.
How exciting if it's an old vaseline glass from many years ago !

Thank you

Jun 02, 2009
Yellow/Green Vaseline Seaglass
by: Anonymous

Hi Toshi, nice seaglass!! Those pale green/yellow pieces you cherish might be Vaseline glass and you can tell this by using a Blacklight on them. If they glow a Neon green, red or blue their indeed Very Rare Vaseline seaglass!! Here is some info on Vaseline glass for you to enjoy and to enlighten you......

WHAT IS IT ? Vaseline Glass is a term used to describe a Yellowish-Green glass that was produced using "Uranium Dioxide" in the glass mixture and glows a Vivid Neon Green, Red or even Blue in the presence of Ultra Violet Light or Black Light! The more Uranium Dioxide in the glass the brighter the Glow!It was primarily made from 1840, up to just before WWII by Anchor Hocking, and then was continued from 1959 to the present. Vaseline Glass was in its' heyday during the Victorian period from the 1880's to the 1920's. Due to the High cost of Uranium today Vaseline Glass is being produced much less and is very much in demand among collectors! The government confiscated all supplies of Uranium during WWII and halted all production of Vaseline Glass!!
FACT: Vaseline Glass is not harmful, as the emissions from the glass are just slightly stronger than normal background radiation that we are all exposed to on a daily basis.


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