Los Organos, Peru - linje designs

by Lin Schneider
(Los Organos, Peru)

linje designs - Lin Schneider
4-611 Miraflores
Los Organos, Peru SA

 linje designs specializes in Sea Glass Jewelry.


Along with her husband, David, Lin established the well-known sea glass web site that you are looking at right now. David does the major portion of the web site work, while Lin provides the creativity. David has a lot of experience in online business success and provides web site consulting, especially with hobby, crafts, and art sites.

Lin's jewelry includes the following designs:

- Wire-wrapped sea glass that she has found herself. This may be wrapped in gold-fill (95% gold) wire but more commonly in sterling silver.

- Bezeled-silver mounted sea glass. May include metalsmithing work.

- Sea shells, drilled and hung with silver findings.

- Stones and other beach combed objects set in the above styles.

- Lin either sells her own designs or does custom orders. Customers may provide there own sea glass or other beach treasures.


Lin has been making jewelry from sea glass for the last 14 years. Previous to getting into sea glass jewelry, she had dabbled in various art mediums, finally stumbling on sea glass and becoming passionate about turning these beautiful cast-away gems into wearable jewelry.

Lin was raised in an art-fostering environment. Her mother Win is an accomplished artist in several fields, including miniture casted sculptures and slumped glass. Although Win worked a regular job during Lin's at-home years, Win always kept her creative focus and, after taking a somewhat early retirement, became very accomplished with several big awards to her credit.

Lin grew up near Lake Erie, eventually graduating with a degree in Communications (mainly stage makeup and lighting) and later lived near beaches in California, Hawaii, Washington, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru. Lin and David now reside part of the time in Peru and some of the time near the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Olympic Peninsula, Washington.

The Sea Glass

The sea glass Lin uses in her designer jewelry comes from her own collections in the various areas she has lived and from beaches near her mother in Maryland. She has also acquired some very special sea glass in trades with other fans in Japan, Italy, and elsewhere.

All her sea glass is natural sea or beach glass tumbled, rounded, and frosted by nature itself.

Contact Info:

Contact Lin Schneider through the contact form on her web site:


or through her email: lindajeanschneider (at) yahoo.com

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