July 1, 2011 Chicago Beach Glass
by Kruch72
(Chicago IL)
Chicago beach glass 1
Chicago beach glass 2
Here are some frosty pieces we got from a couple day's of beach walking in Chicago.
Added info:
At the present time, there are 33 beaches along the waterfront of Chicago on Lake Michigan.
None of the waterfront is natural anymore, it has all been filled, graded and manmade.
So you would think there would be no good beach glass? Well, these photos show otherwise.
Parts of the beaches, although manmade, have been there a long time. Also, shifting currents caused by prevailing winds and storms will shift sand, pebbles, and sea glass from where it may have been lying farther out on the lake floor.
We've been wanting to see some real Chicago lake glass. Since Lake Michigan is so large, the winds blowing across the surface can kick up sufficient waves on a fairly regular basis to smooth and perfect the old trash, turning it into new gems.
~ Added by David of Odyssey Sea Glass ~
The Dog Lover's Companion to Chicago: The Inside Scoop on Where to Take Your Dog (Dog Lover's Companion Guides)