Identification? - Extremely Odd Blue Chunk of Beach Glass

by Sarah

Side Holes

Side Holes

I found this piece on Roanoke Island in July of 2010, very near a bridge. The shore was thick with glass (mostly un-smooth), but I found this chunk.

I haven't been collecting and searching for more than two years, so I was really excited! It's just a really strange piece.

The whole piece is very lumpy and chunky, and just a little smooth while not being see-through. It is dark blue, cobalt.

From the sides, which are the clearest part, the inside seems to have air bubbles. There are places where it looks like sea-creatures (like barnacles?) had attached themselves, and left sandy residue.

All through it are holes that appear natural, like how a worm bores through a sea shell.

The bottom is absolutely, perfectly flat, with little ridges (think of the marks on skin after laying on grass for too long)

If I shake it, a soft black substance comes out, like charcoal and sand.

I'm completely flabbergasted by this; I haven't seen anything like it before. I apologize for the low quality of the pictures, it was the best I could do with my laptop. My best guess is that it was broken from an old appliance or light, but again, I don't know much about sea-glass yet. Please give me any ideas or suggestions (or a sure answer!) about what this is? Thank you!

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Sep 02, 2011
Beach fire glass
by: Pookie

Lost of glass has been trashed on the beach by being thrown into fires. The fire burns down, the rain comes, the melted bottles roll into the the ocean and get tumbled by the surf. Beach seaglass...

Mar 02, 2011
Bonfire Glass?
by: Kay Carruth

Even though I'm new at collecting sea glass (about 2 yrs.), it looks to me like bonfire glass.

It's hard to tell by the pictures, but, your description sounds like bonfire glass.

I've found 10 pieces in 2 years & if indeed it is bonfire glass, you have a rare find.

Happy's addictive!

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