I want to share the beach !

by Toshi Kanno
(El Granada CA)

Only the part of my collections

Only the part of my collections

~ Sea Glass Page by Toshi - San Francisco, California

I don't mind telling people where I find all those beautiful glasses all the time. Do you know why ?

I go to the same beach every other day and at the end of the day-I usually spend about 3 to 4 hours a day-I feel like I found all the glasses on the beach!

And I feel so guilty taking all the pieces but when I'm there next time,I find more!

And sometimes I find even better and bigger pieces than the last time.  That means it's bottomless ! 

Sometimes I see some people with some tools to dig into the sands and pebbles but it's not always the best way to find sea glasses. 

Most of the glasses are light weight,so they float on the top of the waves and wash up on the beach.

They don't sink into the sands !!

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My beach is called Pillar Point Beach near San Francisco

I found red,violet,three different shades of greens and many many more colors there. 

Hope everyone finds some nice pieces.


~ Sea Glass Page by Toshi - San Francisco, California

Editor's Note:

Pillar Point is about 1 hour from the center of San Francisco on the Pacific Coast (see map below). It is about 30 minutes from the airport.

As well as commenting on Pillar Point, many viewers added comments about Benicia "Glass Beach" (north San Francisco Bay area) in the comments below. So scroll down if you're interested in the Benicia area.

    ~ note by David @ OdysseySeaGlass.com

Pillar Point area map:

View Larger Map

Comments for I want to share the beach !

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Jan 30, 2021
More beaches for sea glass !
by: Toshi

I'm sorry that many of you didn't find any sea glass at where I mentioned here. Maybe I didn't say it's a better time when it's a low tide when you can find more glass.

One more thing,if you don't find any at this location drive down to Gazos Creek beach might be a good place to find sea glass. It's located just south of Pigeon Point lighthouse. You park your car at the parking lot and walk down to the beach. Sometimes you find right there but if you walk toward north you'll have a better chance finding many sea glasses.

Or,if you don't mind driving all the way to Sand City's Eolian Beach you will find thousands of sea glass there. I was there many times and never came home empty handed. Because this beach was the garbage dump for the city for many years(long time ago) now those glass pieces are there for us to find.

Good luck everyone

Jan 30, 2021
Pillar point total bust
by: Anonymous

I think these posts are out of date. Went to Pillar Point, followed the directions and there was literally zero glass, of any kind. I don’t know if someone can chime in who has been recently, but, unless I’m totally missing something, it’s not worth the time, unfortunately.

May 28, 2017
Recon mission at pillar point beach
by: Yaminah

Just parked about to walk to beach. Cannot wait to find some great stuff. I will let you know the outcome in a bit.

Oct 16, 2014
Sea Glass
by: Norma Myrphy

Gee, my heart races when I hear about all these marvelous finds.

The North Carolina beaches have little in comparison, however it doesn't keep me from looking.

A collector NEVER stops searching. Kudos to this wonderful site and for those who share their finds. You've got a friend in me...

Sign me..Sea and Such...

Jun 30, 2013
At Pillar Point
by: Toshi

Hi Chris

The beach where I go is the other side of Maverick's.

So you park your car at the parking lot before the big military antenna you walk up the road to the antenna until right before you reach the gate and on the right hand side you will find a trail to the beach.

I find very nice sea glasses there on the bottom of the trail or if you don't find any you walk farther north and you will find rocky or pebbled area.

Because of the tide,the pebbled area is always sifting but you will find it some.

I never came home empty handed even though I go to the beach practically everyday !!!

That's why I want all the sea glass fans to come to this beach.

Just in case,if you don't find any,the day you were there I will share my collection of sea glass with you.

Let me know.


Jun 28, 2013
where on Pillar Point?
by: chris

Toshi, where at Pillar Point do you climb down the cliffs.

I know the beach at Maverick's. There is a military installation there.

Is it to the north of that? Near which street?

Thanks, Chris

Jan 24, 2013
Benicia Tides
by: Kathleen

Although Benicia has tides that raise and lower the water, it has very little wave action. The kind of waves that tumble the glass into worn sea glass. I guess it would be the same inside pillar point harbor. That's why you are finding old sharp glass there.

Try the mouth of Albion River up near Mendocino. Albion Flats used to be a lumber mill. That beach tends to have more sea glass than most beaches, nothing like glass beach in Ft. Bragg.

Apr 03, 2012
Still the best beach !
by: Toshi

I don't remember when I mentioned about "my beach" last time here but after so many months I still go to the same beach almost everyday, and guess what, I still find so many nice pieces of sea glass.

Some are so nice it's hard to believe they are just glass !

When I want to find so called "bonfire" glass I go to the inner harbor of Pillar Point and when I want to find tumbled glass I walk down to the outer area, yes which is located north side of the Point (you have to walk down the cliff to reach it).

I never ever come home empty handed and I still feel guilty taking all those beautiful glasses home all for myself.

Sometimes I find only small pieces but I know what to do with them so no piece is too small for me to pick up (I use them to make Kaleidoscope and they are beautiful).

I invite all of you to come to "my beach"!

Nice to hear from you, Toshi :-)

Mar 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

Sharing is admirable. Kudos to you!

Jul 19, 2010
Thanks, Toshi!
by: Rosalie

I went to Pillar Point today and parked in the 20 minute spot so I did not stay too long and found a lot of glass-not worthy yet of being called "sea glass" but my son did find a huge wonderful worn sea glass piece. Thanks, Toshi for the infomation!

May 17, 2010
sharing is caring
by: Nicole

Thanks for sharing. I hope I find the beach today.

Jun 20, 2009
by: Terry

Thanks for sharing your beach. I lived in San Francisco for 40 years and I am curious where this beach is located.

Sharing is a tough thing to do sometimes. You are to be complimented.

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