Help identifying these sea glass pieces?

by Jane
(Port Townsend, WA)

~ question submitted by Jane in Port Townsend, WA, USA

I found these similar pieces of white glass on three separate trips to a beach on the Olympic Peninsula.

Each oval has a horizontal cut across the top.

Any ideas on what these were originally?

~ question submitted by Jane in Port Townsend, WA

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Sep 30, 2013
Kick-ups from bottle bottoms?
by: Lin

I'm thinking the two on the right look as though they're kick ups but the angle of the photo makes it a little difficult to know for sure.

If you were to look at these pieces from the side they would probably be very rounded.

I've got one that was found at North Beach area as well.

Lin from

Sep 30, 2013
Medicine bottle stoppers?
by: Londi Colton

I have several of these too.. picked up from there.

I kind of presumed they are medicine bottle stoppers but, I certainly could be wrong.

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