Help identify Bargegat sea glass origin

by Lisa Tyson
(Pehala Park, New Jersey, USA)

Bargegat Light House - sea glass origin?

Bargegat Light House - sea glass origin?

We found this distinctive brown piece of sea glass near the jetty at Barnegat Light New Jersey.

Very detailed markings and a cool piece.

Please help us identify the origin of this beach glass if possible.

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Dec 22, 2015
oooh, awesome find!
by: Momcat

is the lettering perhaps in German?

I love when I find any kind of marking or lettering on beach glass...some you can identify right away off of similar depression glass pieces your grandma had, but they really get your imagination going!

Not sure where your location is in NJ, but I was planning on visiting the glass museum in SW New Jersey on my way to Cape May next year. Have you been to that museum, and is it worth the 3-4 hour trip fromt he DC area?

Happy Hunting!

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