Great sea glass finds on Dominica

by Roberta
(Dublin, Ohio)

Great sea glass finds on Dominica-

We were on a tour in Dominica with a guide we'd hired. I told him that I would like to make a stop at a beach to collect sand/shells/sea glass.

So while we were driving around in the middle of nowhere, he made a stop at a narrow strip of black sand beach.

Sea glass, buttons, pottery shards-- they were sitting around everywhere!! I found cobalt, several greens, browns, clears, black, teals. It was all there.

I even found a ceramic domino which had washed up onto the beach. I filled my pockets until they were dragging around my knees as quickly as I could, as time only allowed a half hour there.

I sure wish I could go back!

I would say those were great sea glass finds! A ceramic domino?????

It must have been either a dump or shipwreck...since you said there wasn't much else around, I'm leaning toward a ship that ran aground in a storm and broke up on the beach sometime in the past.

We would love to here more about sea glass finds on Dominica!

David (editor)

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Mar 15, 2012
Dominica sea glass
by: Anonymous

Did you ever take any photos? How do you get to a good beach there? I would love to go this next year.

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