Grandma Lisa, With Dillan,12, and Marissa, 8


Today's catch on Whidbey

Today's catch on Whidbey

We went to Moran Beach, late this morning, after the LOW tide was out for about two hours, and here's the catch we 3 found, in less than an hour and a half!

I'm thinking the red is RARE, and the leopard dotted red and black piece is even MORE RARE! Any comments?

Help me if you know what these reds could be? Very washed, and salty.

Nice sizes, see the quarter for the size.Here's the days' catch.

Lisa, Knotty and Knautical

Comments for Grandma Lisa, With Dillan,12, and Marissa, 8

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Apr 27, 2010
Sea glass catch
by: Nellie

Wow ! I should have went with you. Hope you are having a great time with your grandkids. Looking forward to coming back in July.

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