Feeling a little blue....

by Michele
(Seaside Park, NJ)

~ sea glass question submitted by Michele, Seaside Park, New Jersey, USA

Can anyone tell me about either of these two pieces I found yesterday? 

The square piece has some metallic marbling through it.  My guess is it is a piece of tile.

 The one on the right has some lettering on it but it is difficult to make out

~ Michele


I believe you're right about the tile piece.

As far as the blue goes, without a readable symbol, lettering or other identifiable mark, it is not possible to say where the piece of blue came from. 

However, someone with good eyes MIGHT be able to make out what the lettering could possibly have been.

~ David at Odyssey Sea Glass

This book, available from Amazon.com, is great to help identify fragments that have identifiable distincitive shapes, symbols, stamps, etc:

Identify bottles and bottle stoppers
Warman's Bottles Field Guide
America's favorite pocket-sized guide helps you identify bottles and bottle stoppers like a pro.

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