Day Along the Humber - April 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by David
(Leicester )

Humber, UK sea glass

Humber, UK sea glass

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by David, Leicester, England, UK

Where was this photo taken?

All the glass found today were around the River Humber on the east coast of the United Kingdom

On April 14, 2017 - A sunny but cold spring morning walk along the beach

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

We were so pleased to find these beautiful gems the east coast can be unpredictable for sea glass so to find them was a pure treat

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

iPhone 6 quick simple and always handy

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Any photographer shop be aware of the potential of sand or grit getting onto and into there camera while hunting beach treasures

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by David, Leicester, England, UK

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sea glass colors line

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Comments for Day Along the Humber - April 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Apr 21, 2017
by: Stephanie Cordonaro

I love this photograph!

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