Beautiful Blue Sea Glass from Peru

by David Schneider @
(Huanchaco, La Libertad, Peru)

Beautiful Blue Sea Glass

Beautiful Blue Sea Glass

~ submitted by David and Lin from OdysseySeaGlass

Huanchaco, Peru, October 30, 2013.

Lin and I (David) find lots of nice sea glass in our current home in Huanchaco, Peru, South America.

Typical of many places, however, is that the beach, the sand, and correspondingly, the sea glass, vary from one day to the next.

Yesterday, a lot of sand was in and we didn't find much sea glass.

Overnight, it changed. The beach had lots of gravel-sized pebbles.

The day was the warmest so far this spring (yep, it's spring in the Southern Hemisphere) and at 8:00 this morning we were taking off our sweatshirts in spite of some lingering mist.

The waves had come up a little in size (there's decent waves every day, though), perhaps accounting for the change in the beach.

Today there was a treasure chest full (well, not quite).

Especially striking was the perfect blue oval that Lin found. It is the right size for a medium-sized ring.

We also found a number of attractive and fully tumbled greens, teals, etc.

~ submitted by David and Lin

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