Beach Pottery Shards

by David
(Bow WA USA)

Beach Pottery Shards

Beach Pottery Shards - click to zoom

Here is a glimpse of the kinds of beach pottery shards to be found on ocean (or large lake) shores.

These shards were found mostly on the Straits of San Juan and western shore of Whidbey Island, Washington, as well as the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.

We love finding these ceramic and earthenware beach pottery shards, especially the ones with the colors contrasted with the well-tumbled edges.

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by: Tom Rizzo

Hello David,
Having just finished posting another entry into the glass fishing float expedition diary at: Sea Hermit Blog, I looked to see if anyone had left comments to earlier posts, and found yours.

Truly glad that you enjoyed finding the site, and reading some of it. I've let my readers know about your site.

Having been a lover of any beach, and always walking with my head bouncing on a spring, finding sea glass and other flotsam and jetsam has always been a part of me.

I too enjoy the niche that you and your fellow beachcombers love. Thank you for your comment.

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