Ashtabula, OH - Beach Glass Treasure

by Rachel Town
(Ashtabula, OH, US)

Beach Glass Hunting For Every Season

Beach Glass Hunting For Every Season

Hi! I'm Rachel Town, owner of Beach Glass Treasure, mixed media artist, located in Ashtabula, OH, US.

Local areas of sale: All Things Coffee Kingsville, OH & straight out of my art studio upon request
Contact number: 440-228-6610

I create original canvas paintings using acrylic and beach glass as my mediums. My business is local as well as online. I am always open to create custom art for someone, prices vary depending on dimensions, materials used, time to make it, and the quantity and quality of beach glass used.

I live in North East Ohio along the shores of Lake Erie. Everyday rain, snow or shine I search the local and distant beaches in hopes to find a rare treasure amongst the waves. Each search gives me new inspiration and most of the time yields beautiful treasures to add to my art.

My son, 4 years old with autism spectrum disorder, goes with me on every adventure. He has a keen eye for detail and supersonic hearing, he can hear a wave approaching farther in advance than I can, which has saved us from getting soaked in the fall/winter! Being at the beach everyday has given him motivation to succeed in life at his own pace and helped him grow more than anything else as well as myself.

Sharing these treasures with the world is part of my passion, another part is painting the beauty of landscapes in a dreamy surreal atmosphere to convey a deeper message. All of my dramatic abstract artwork is metaphorical with the metaphor within the description of each. All of my paintings are triple primed with Liquitex Gesso and triple varnished with Krylon Kamar Varnish. The beach glass is adhered to the stretched canvas with E6000 and made sure to withstand shipping.

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