Anyone have a clue

by Tammy Olzewski
(North Chesterfield. Va USA)

I’m sorry, don’t remember where I found this. Does anyone have a clue how this would happen? It’s not Bonfire Glass.

Comments for Anyone have a clue

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Aug 19, 2018
Flashed glass
by: Étienne

It looks like flashed glass.This is done by placing a piece of melted glass of one color into another piece of melted glass of a different color and then blowing the glass.

Aug 09, 2018
by: Anonymous

I agree... that does look like a nice piece of molded melted bonded bonfire glass.

Aug 04, 2018
It could be bonded somehow
by: Carol

I have found seaglass that has been fused together or bonded in some natural way that wasnt bonfire. Even onto shells and rocks.

Aug 01, 2018
by: Sam

It looks like bonfire glass to me. Melted and crystallized.

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