We hope you are enjoying the fall days (if you're in the N.Hemisphere). Here, down under, it is still wintry and we are looking forward to the weather warming up soon.
Our hearts go out to our friends in Puerto Rico and other areas affected by the hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes and other disasters in various parts of the world.
To take a break from the sadder news, here are some blurbs about sea glass.
In This Newsletter
30-hour Sea Glass and Jewelry Sale
Winner of the September Sea Glass Photo Competition
Photos from Hunting Huanchaco Beach
Latest Posts from Around the World
30-Hour Special Sale!

Winner of the September Sea Glass Photo Contest
Hunting Huanchaco Beach
Here are some highlights of our finds the past couple of weeks.
New Posts with Photos and Sea Glass Reports from Around the World
Oct 10, 2017
After the Storm - November 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest
Where was this photo taken? Matapeake Beach In Queen Anne’s
County, Maryland Weather and time of day? Two days after a tornado
touched down in nearby BayCity.
reading "After the Storm - November 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest"
Oct 03, 2017
Etsy Seller Reviews - Honesty in Arts and Crafts
Etsy Seller Reviews - Dishonesty hurts you, it should hurt the
perpetrator - whether it is fake sea glass or something else, take this
first step
reading "Etsy Seller Reviews - Honesty in Arts and Crafts"
Oct 02, 2017
Pink Ball
Anyone have any idea of the origin of this large round
pink/peach piece of sea glass?? Found in Spain.
reading "Pink Ball"
Sep 30, 2017
Giddy as a Child - September 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest
This is the first time I went to Glass Beach (Black Beach) in
Port Townsend, Washington. I was by myself and left for the 3 hr. round
trip on foot along
reading "Giddy as a Child - September 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest"
Sep 29, 2017
What is this from?
I found this off Lake Michigan in Kenosha, WI. It looks like
it has a shield with a shape inside the shield. It's round and seems
thick. Any ideas
reading "What is this from?"
Sep 29, 2017
Tucuchi Beach, Okinawa, Japan
Name of the Beach: Tocuchi Beach City nearest to that beach:
YomitanThe state, country, or island where the beach is:Okinawa
Prefecture, Okinawa Island,
reading "Tucuchi Beach, Okinawa, Japan"
Sep 29, 2017
Black Sea Glass Identification?
I found this piece of glass on a beach on the west coast of
Ireland. It's so dark, I can't see light
through it and appears to be
black. Bottom has
reading "Black Sea Glass Identification?"
Sep 25, 2017
What is Value Glass Float
we bought the glass float from a yachtie at a flea market near
Port Douglas about 20 years ago. Does it have any value? Please let me
know. Thank you,
reading "What is Value Glass Float"
Sep 25, 2017
Yellow Glass
I have some chunky pieces of deep yellow sea glass that
fluoresce bright orange under black light. What is the mineral? Is it
uranium? If so, why is
reading "Yellow Glass"
A BEACH near you and

We hope
you have enjoyed this newsletter from us at OdysseySeaGlass.com
We wish
you a
Happy hunting,

and Lin