nwslttr aug Hola, que tal? Those of you in California or Texas or _____ probably understand this greeting in Spanish. Basically, it just means, "Hi, what's happening?" Here's what's happening in this August 2013 edition of the Odyssey Sea Glass Newsletter. What's Happening with David and Lin of Odyssey Sea Glass Lin and I (David) are now living (permanently?) in the beach town of Huanchaco, Peru. I'm putting this newsletter together in the kitchen area provided by the small hotel, El Oceano, where we are staying for at least the next week. If you've been following us on facebook - Sea Glass Odyssey - you have already seen photos and
updates of the beach and town here. Before coming to Peru, we also traveled down the Pacific Coast of the United States from Astoria, Oregon to Santa Cruz, California, and will be writing later on what we found on the many beaches we visited. Huanchaco, Peru from the South As you can see, the beach is partly sand, pebbles, and rocks - the right mix for beautifully-rounded sea glass. Lin and I moved out of our apartment in Port Angeles, Washington, on June 30th, and have been living out of suitcases ever since. For that reason, I haven't been able to get a newsletter out until now.
Also for the same reason, I would like to offer my sincere and abject apologies to all of you who have submitted photos and reports to OdysseySeaGlass and haven't gotten notice that they were accepted. Sales of Sea Glass? As announced last month and on Facebook, we have discontinued selling sea glass on our site due to shipping complications from Peru. Otherwise, it's... Business (busy-ness) as usual! Stay in the Loop - Be Connected - In the Know Odyssey Sea Glass Pinterest Photos Facebook - Sea Glass Odyssey Odyssey Sea Glass Zazzle Products - New Posters and Cards: Winner of the July 2013 Sea Glass Photo Contest  The winning photo is "Purple Heart" by Jessica Stephens of Providence, Rhode Island Congratulations, Jessica! | Comments on the July Photo Contest I must say as editor-in-chief here at Odyssey, I have egg on my face at this time. Although there were mulitple submissions for the July photo contest, I just was not able to get to all of them. The first one submitted (just before travels began) by Jessica Stephens was the default winner - but as you can see, it definitely is a classy sea glass photo. For the rest of you who submitted photos, your photo will be in the August contest. Please bear with me ... Thanks! David C. Schneider, CAFM, PCUT (Chief Asst Floor Maintenance Dept, Photo Contest Uploader Trainee) Photos of New "Undiscovered" Sea Glass Beach in Peru Undiscovered? Well, it's likely that many people have picked up sea glass at this beach, as it is a popular tourist destination. But you might say it's undiscovered by real sea glass fanatics like
us and you, since we have never seen any reports or photos from this exciting spot. Walking South from Huanchaco On our first day in Huanchaco, we spent about 25 minutes checking the beach for sea glass. The tide was near low. The actual town of Huanchaco is built on low land surrounding a shallow bay. It is fairly-well protected from the south winds which are fairly constant along the shores of Peru. This area has lots of history and archeaological sites to see. If you were to walk south on this beach perhaps 3 miles, you would be directly in front of Chan Chan. Just by chance (LOL) Lin and I have a
website about Peru, and there we explain more about Chan Chan and its culture. The page starts by saying, "The year 850 AD marks the beginning of the fabled Ming Dynasty in China. In about that same year, Chan Chan - what is now known as the largest Pre-Columbian city in all of the Americas - was in the midst of its growing boom on the opposite side of the globe..." For more information, see our page Inside-Peru.com/Chan-Chan.html. Huanchaco, Peru, Sea Glass This is what we found on our first day
in about 25 minutes. The porcelain button was a first for us. We were impressed with how round and tumbled the sea glass is. We didn't know what to expect as far as sea glass when we came to Huanchaco. However, from looking at some photos and reviewing other information on the internet, the possibilities of finding sea glass looked fairly good. For example, a populated area along the shoreline; inhabited for several centuries. The photos seemed to show a sandy beach with rocks interspersed. Also, Huanchaco is a well-known spot for surfing, and from David's lifetime of surfing experience, we knew that consistent surf means reefs or a rocky bottom. So, with a source of sea glass (town), a sandy beach with rocky underlay and pebbles, our expectations grew. But, when looking for sea glass, you never know for sure until you get
there. In this case, we were QUITE pleasantly surprised. Huanchaco, Peru, Sea Glass On our second day in Huanchaco, again we were only able to spend less than a half hour looking for sea glass, but it was well worth it. Huanchaco, Peru Surf Huanchaco is well-known as a consistent spot to surf. This year, for example, the Huanchaco Longboard Pro, an ASP Longboard Series Qualifying Event was held here. On this past Saturday and Sunday a Peruvian national surfing contest was held, so we got to see that, too. The beach, with its mix of sand, small pebbles, and rocks (including lots of pumice) extends from the north side of bay south for a long way. As far as we can tell, there is an even distribution of sea glass from north of the pier to as far as we walked south, about half a mile. The same conditions appeared to continue on, so we'll have fun seeing just how far south the sea glass can be found. There is definitely a LOT of it here. Huanchaco, Peru, Sea Glass Here's what the sea glass zone looks like close up. You can expect to see many more photos of sea glass at OdysseySeaGlass as time goes by Have you missed out on the new pages and blogs at Odyssey Sea Glass? Check them out quickly and easily on our Sea Glass Blog or take a look at a selection below that you might have missed. Happy
hunting to all! David and Lin Schneider OdysseySeaGlass.com If this information has been interesting, entertaining, and/or helpful, please remember to click the "Like" or other buttons at the top of each page to share your favorites with your friends. And by all means add your comments at the bottom of most pages. Thanks!