How are things going this new calendar year?  I'm sure you're looking forward to a good sea glass spring. Well, we still have to get through winter. But, hey, winter isn't too bad if you are prepared for wet and cold on the beach. The storms have really turned things upside down and inside out. Here on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, we have had a skiff of snow in our neighborhood. The Olympic Range out our living room window is really, really loaded! Today for the first time in perhaps a couple of weeks, the sky looks like it MIGHT stay blue all day. Although Lin and I can't hit the beach today, maybe, maybe tomorrow. Here's a quick update on a few things going on here at Odyssey Sea Glass. Surprising Find at Clallam Bay On the northernmost stretches of the Pacific Coast of the United States lies the Olympic National Park. Here, the incredible scenery, open ocean surf, and isolated beaches offer a great opportunity for photos, hiking, camping, adventure and ... sea glass. Taking advantage of a beautiful fall day, Lin and I traveled northwest along the narrow winding highway leading to the tip of the Olympic Peninsula. We were trying to hit as many beaches as possible between Clallam Bay and Neah Bay. This involved driving quite a few miles of coastline and stopping wherever we could. The map below shows Shipwreck Point, which is about the halfway mark between the two bays. If you zoom out, you'll see Neah Bay to the west. It's on the tribal lands of the Makah Indians.  Near Shipwreck Point, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA We were looking for sea glass on one of the beaches near Sekiu. Since we weren't finding a whole lot of sea glass (well, at least I wasn't) I was entertaining myself picking up pieces of driftwood and elongated rocks. I saw the first rock in the photos below. I don't really know why I picked it up. I noticed it had a hole all the way through it. Wow, that's unusual. I blew on it like it was a whistle but didn't get the effects I had hoped. So I stuck it in my pocket. Later, I showed it to Lin. Then I noticed that around the hole on top, the rock was stained a caramel color. Hah! The light bulb went off! It was pretty sure I was looking the remnant of a very wave-tumbled ceramic pipe.  It looks like a rock |  But it's got a hole all the way through and the hole is square - manmade. |  The top has a hole with burn marks around it. |  Research on the internet indicates it's an old pipe - either for opium or it was a tobacco pipe and had a bowl attached in the past. | Wow! What are the chances of finding that among the millions of rocks on the beach? By chance? What about you? Do you have a strange or intriguing find? Share it with us on our Sea Glass Forums. Hey! There is a good selection of sea glass we've recently uploaded in many colors. Check Sea Glass For Sale on Odyssey Also, don't miss our ongoing overstock sale on eBay... Why do we call it an overstock sale if it's ongoing? We have a lot of stock we must get rid of before heading back to Peru, South America. Well, we thought we were going to Peru in September, 2012. But due to circumstances beyond our control, the date has been moved to spring 2013 :-( Yup, it looks like mid-March for right now. So we'll continue to sell our cheaper sea glass on eBay until we can move. There is less of it now, though!  | New Subscribers For those of you who have just recently signed up, this portion is especially for you. If you are a new subscriber, you will enjoy the story and photos at the Glass Beach Special. If the above link doesn't work in your email, copy and past this into your browser: https://www.odysseyseaglass.com/hcaebssalg.html | Have you missed out on the new pages and blogs at Odyssey Sea Glass? Check them out quickly and easily on our Sea Glass Blog or take a look at a selection below that you might have missed. Happy hunting to all! David and Lin Schneider OdysseySeaGlass.com Did You Miss These Exciting Blogs? Selected Pages from Odyssey and Contributors  | Dec 09, 2012 - Doll Body Beach Glass ~ submitted by Joe I found this at Castle Island in Boston MA. We think its a porcelain doll, but we need more and ideas please help. Odyssey Sea Glass |  | Naxos Island, Greece - by Christeena Hockin-Minopetros We spend a lot of our summer every year in Greece collecting sea glass. This extraordinary piece was found on the island of Naxos. A lovely island... |  | Is this sea glass bottle worth anything? - Nov 15, 2012 ~ Question submitted by Kelly - I was on the beach over the weekend (after Hurricane Sandy) and I found some really cool things! One of them is Sea Glass... | | Castellammare Di Stabia Seafront Beach - Nov 07, 2012 ~ Sea Glass Beach Report submitted by Jade from Castellammare di Stabia, Napoli, Italia - Lots of unusual colours that are hard to find in other places - turquoise, blue, dark slate grey, yellow, pink, even purple... |  | 3rd Annual Cayucos Sea Glass Festival - Oct 31, 2012 MARCH 9-10, 2013 Saturday, 10:00am - 5:00pm, Sunday, 10:00am - 4:00pm Cayucos Vet’s Hall (at the foot of the Pier) Entry: $3.00 ... | | If this information has been interesting, entertaining, and/or helpful, please remember to click the "Like" or other buttons at the top of each page to share your favorites with your friends. And by all means add your comments. Thanks! |