Wow! Summer in the N. Hemisphere is drawing to a close. School has started in many areas. That means moms have more time to hit the beach, right? Right??? For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, you are probably making vacation plans. Why not make it a sea glass family vacation? Explore new beaches or check out ones already reported (for example, here are our pages for Australia sea glass). Here's a quick update on a few things going on here at Odyssey Sea Glass. Winner! August Sea Glass Photo Contest Many of you were taking vacations last month but still found the time to send in great photos! Thanks goes to all eight contestants with the WINNER being... Taken in Mazatlan, Mexico by Rhonda Farris from Kansas City, MO, this photo proved to be the most popular. Congrats, Rhonda! Here are the 2nd and 3rd place photos: Lin and I would also like to add that all of the photos submitted were popular and very well done. Current and future winners - a reminder that you can request to have your photo linked to the web page of your choice - just Contact Us) | Exciting Olympic National Park Sea Glass On the northernmost stretches of the Pacific Coast of the United States lies the Olympic National Park. Here, the incredible scenery, open ocean surf, and isolated beaches offer a great opportunity for photos, hiking, camping, adventure and ... sea glass. Yesterday, September 6, 2012, was one of the warmest, nicest days of this year here on the Olympic Peninsula, and Lin and I took advantage of the beautiful weather to check out a few beaches on the Pacific Coast. Pebble Layer Offers Good Sea Glass Catch Although the fog lingered right along the shore off and on all day, that didn't bother us much. Next, here is a sea glass "catch of the day" photo of the sea glass Lin and I collected at a stretch of beach north of Rialto Beach along the North Coast Route of the Olympic National Park: The many miles of coast along this park consist of headlands, bays, and beaches. We found this unusual collection of sea glass in about 2-1/2 hours at one of the beaches with no name. Jewelry A Grade Green Sea Glass - Large Later, we checked out Rialto Beach just north of La Push, Washington, but the tide was too high, so we'll have to go back to Rialto some other time. Heading a few miles further south to La Push, Washington, we walked about 1/2 mile of beach while the tide dropped. The scenery was beautiful. There were quite a few people on First Beach, La Push, and we enjoyed visiting with a few and watching 3 surfers in the shoulder-high surf. One of the ladies we met told us a funny story she had while on a beach in Oregon. I'll try to give you the gist of what she said. "I was on a beach in Oregon and a chilly, windy day. I spent a number of hours scrabbling through the rocks and seaweed on my hands and knees looking for sea glass. "When I got back to the parking area, some others asked me if I had seen the bear on the beach. They were a little nervous. "Then I got to thinking. Hmmm... I was down the beach dressed in my black pants and black windbreaker with the hood over my head for a long time on my hands and knees... a good imitation of a bear? "I didn't have the heart to tell them that, though!" ~ Unknown Sea Glasser from Washington On the main beach in La Push (called First Beach), Lin and I found only a few tiny bits of white sea glass in about one hour. Since beaches facing open ocean wave action change daily with the tons of sand, pebbles and driftwood moving in, out, and sideways, an accurate report here can't be done in one visit, so we will return (at low tide) and see what turns up in the future. EBook on Sea Glass? As mentioned in our last few newsletters, Lin and I plan to write several eBooks on sea glass. Each one will address a certain area of importance to collectors. We asked what you would like to see in a book about Sea Glass and now a number of you have kindly responded. But we would like to hear even more from the other 1,000 of you who haven't chipped in yet . So... What would you like to see in an eBook about Sea Glass? Contact Lin and David with your suggestions ASAP. The sooner we know what you want, the quicker we can get started on it. Thanks! There is a good selection of sea glass we've recently uploaded in many colors. Check Sea Glass For Sale on Odyssey Also, don't miss our ongoing overstock sale on eBay... Why do we call it an overstock sale if it's ongoing? We have a lot of stock we must get rid of before heading back to Peru, South America. Well, we thought we were going to Peru in September, 2012. But due to circumstances beyond our control, the date has been moved to spring 2013 :-( So we'll continue to sell our cheaper sea glass on eBay until we can move. There is less of it now, though!  | New Subscribers For those of you who have just recently signed up, this portion is especially for you. If you are a new subscriber, you will enjoy the story and photos at the Glass Beach Special. If the above link doesn't work in your email, copy and past this into your browser: | Have you missed out on the new pages at Odyssey Sea Glass? Check them out quickly and easily on our Sea Glass Blog. Happy hunting to all! David and Lin Schneider |